Manu Garg
Manu Garg
Cloudprober supports building additional metrics (other than the default ones) from external probe output. We could possible do the same for HTTP probe.
We should consider building a JSON validator that can do the following: - Verify it's a valid JSON. - Also, look for a specific element in JSON, e.g.: results[].account_number =...
_Copied from, originally filed by @xenofree._ Hi, Is it possible or will it be possible to configure probe option through file_target like this ? ``` resource { name: "10.x.x.x"...
Record and export latency for various stages like DNS, TLS, connect, etc. This feature should be enabled through an option to avoid affecting existing setups.
_Copied from, originally filed by @manugarg._ I am not super sure about it, but it may allow for quick prototyping.
_Copied from, originally filed by @renier._ @renier wrote: > It would be great if this could update additional pod readiness states based on thresholds using the new [Pod ready++](
_Copied from, originally filed by @benner._ Improve HTTP probe gap between targets for automatic discovery Current behavior (`interval_between_targets_msec`) is perfect for static target list but target list are updating...
_Copied from, originally filed by @dmicanzerofox._ While creating grafana dashboards for cloudprober metrics are not very hard, I would personally really enjoy seeing how other people view cloudprobers output....