Lunary-Ethereum-Wallet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Lunary-Ethereum-Wallet copied to clipboard

Support for more languages

Open manuelsc opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

Lunary is currently available in German, English and Spanish. Any help or contribution with translations and additional language support is always greatly appreciated!

A copy of intern strings can be obtained here: Feel free to take a look at the german translation to get a feeling of how it is done here:

How to
Translate those strings in the strings.xml with the exception being the ToS and put them into a folder called values-xy (xy being ISO 639-1 code for your language. List can be obtained here: ). Once you are done simply create a pull request or mail me your file and we'll check and merge it.

Optional: Specify your real name or pseudonym in your strings.xml under "translator_name" in order to display credit in Lunarys in app about page.

manuelsc avatar Jun 27 '17 07:06 manuelsc

I have translated to Portuguese and uploaded here as a txt file because the upload system limitations. Please verify it. Maybe 2 or 3 labels is still in english because is easier to understand in the original term. These is technical terms.


caiocooter avatar Jul 19 '17 22:07 caiocooter

@caiocooter Thank you very much for your contribution! Merged 971d575ccabb69bc5d4134293cb1249d3934e434

manuelsc avatar Jul 20 '17 10:07 manuelsc