Manuele Lucchi
Manuele Lucchi
Hi, lately I have too little time but unless someone gets to it first I'm definitely looking forward!
I'll try my best
> Thanks for contacting us @manuelelucchi , please bind the `ValueChanged` event callback in your case. Oh, didn't know this. Thank you!
I'll dig it up and let you know if I'm able to
I can't come up with a PR yet, but it seems that `SetLoggerFactory` in `ServiceCollectionQuartzConfigurator` is never called automatically (the same goes for the underlying `SetLogProvider`) so i'm not sure...
Any news on this @lahma? I'm not able to investigate further at the moment
@aheubusch I found a workaround that seems to work. ```csharp Quartz.Logging.LogProvider.SetCurrentLogProvider(null); services.AddQuartz(b => ...) ```