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yzhanGateway copied to clipboard

Developing PHP SDK for any API. 为任何 API 快速开发 PHP SDK


Developing PHP SDK for any API.
为任何 API 快速开发 PHP SDK.

Install 安装

composer require mantoufan/yzhangateway

Usage 使用



  1. Create a {client name}.php in src\Client Directory
  2. src\Client 目录新建一个 {客户端名称}.php
  3. Implement request method
  4. 实现请求 request 方法


如需要,新建 .php 提供鉴权类
例如包含获取 authorization 请求头的方法
If necessary, create a new .php to provide an authentication class,
such as a method to obtain the authorization request header


如需要,新建 .php 声明新错误类型
If necessary, create a new .php here to declare a new error type



提供 Request 静态方法,发出请求和响应
Provides the Request static method for making requests and responses



运行 composer test 前,请将.env.test.template重命名为.env.test存放测试需要的变量
Before running composer test, rename .env.test.template to env.test to store variables needed for testing
.env.test example

Example 示例

Common 通用

$yzhanGateway = new YZhanGateway('Common');
$res = $yzhanGateway->request(array(
  'method' => 'GET',
  'url' => 'https://animechan.vercel.app/api/random'

Use Cache 使用缓存

Cache Results for 86400 seconds

$yzhanGateway = new YZhanGateway('Common');
$res = $yzhanGateway->cache()->request(array(
  'method' => 'GET',
  'url' => 'https://animechan.vercel.app/api/random',
  'cache' => array(
    'maxAge' => 86400

BaiduCloud 百度智能云

Purge Files by urls in Biadu Cloud CDN.

$yzhanGateway = new YZhanGateway('BaiduCloud', array(
  'accessKey' => $_ENV['BAIDUCLOUD_ACCESSKEY'],
  'secretKey' => $_ENV['BAIDUCLOUD_SECRETKEY']
$res = $yzhanGateway->request(array(
  'method' => 'POST',
  'url' => 'http://cdn.baidubce.com/v2/cache/purge',
  'postFields' => array(
    'tasks' => array(
      array('url' => $_ENV['BAIDUCLOUD_TEST_URL'])


Purge Files by urls (<= 30) in Cloudflare.

$yzhanGateway = new YZhanGateway('Cloudflare', array(
  'apiToken' => $_ENV['CLOUDFLARE_APITOKEN']
$res = $yzhanGateway->request(array(
  'method' => 'POST',
  'url' => 'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/' . $_ENV['CLOUDFLARE_REGION_ID'] . '/purge_cache',
  'postFields' => array(
    'files' => array($_ENV['CLOUDFLARE_TEST_URL'])


Get user's recent activities.

$yzhanGateway = new YZhanGateway('Github', array(
  'accessToken' => $_ENV['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN'],
  'userAgent' => $_ENV['GITHUB_USER_NAME']
$res = $yzhanGateway->request(array(
  'method' => 'GET',
  'url' => 'https://api.github.com/users/' . $_ENV['GITHUB_USER_NAME'] . '/events'


Chat using text-davinci

$yzhanGateway = new YZhanGateway('OpenAI', array(
  'apiKey' => $_ENV['OPENAI_APIKEY'],
  // 'organization' => $_ENV['OPENAI_ORGANIZATION'] // Optional
$res = $yzhanGateway->request(array(
  'method' => 'POST',
  'url' => 'https://api.openai.com/v1/completions',
  'postFields' => array(
    'model' => 'text-davinci-003',
    'prompt' => 'Hello',
    'temperature'=> 0 // Optional, 0 means the most certain results

TencentCloud 腾讯云

Get CVM list

$yzhanGateway = new YZhanGateway('TencentCloud', array(
  'secretId' => $_ENV['TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID'],
$res = $yzhanGateway->request(array(
  'method' => 'POST',
  'url' => 'https://cvm.tencentcloudapi.com',
  'action' => 'DescribeInstances',
  'version' => '2017-03-12',
  'region' => 'ap-guangzhou',
  'postFields' => array(
    'Limit' => 1,
    'Filters' => array(
      array('Values' => array('未命名'), 'Name' => 'instance-name')