
Results 48 issues of mantielero

The type from `Message.impl.src` is `ptr Object00` but I cannot feed that to `name`: `proc name*(self: Object): string` Is there a way to convert `ptr Object00` into `Object`? ``` type...

Hi Stefan, Have you considered adding [poppler]( in order to view PDF's? Regards, José

It is not clear to me how to use `getHeader` when I want to use existing headers in my system. I have a library called OpenCascade. This is a C++...

Playing with `libxmlswriter` (I know that there is a wrapper already), I get the error: ``` /home/jose/.cache/nim/nimterop/toastCache/nimterop_2964624690.nim(1111, 24) Error: VM does not support 'cast' from tyFloat to tyFloat ``` The...

I am trying to wrap the following: ```nim # nim c wrapper.nim > fmuTemplate.nim import nimterop/cimport static: cDebug() cDisableCaching() # Regenerate Nim wrapper every time #cDefine("HAS_ABC") # Set #defines for...

While looking for a workaround for issue, it looks like `getheader` might not be managing well header files with symbols like `_`: I have the file **occt_wrapper.nim**: ```nim #...

I am not sure if this can be improved. I am trying to wrap mupdf. Nimterop converts [this]( into: ```nim FZ_LANG_UNSET* = (0).fz_text_language FZ_LANG_ur* = ((('u' - typeof('u')('a') + typeof('u')(1))...

What would it be a `winim/com` minimal example for the OneNote case? It looks like in python; ```python import win32com.client onObj = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('OneNote.Application.12') result = onObj.GetHierarchy("",win32com.client.constants.hsNotebooks) print(result) ``` But in...

I bought this sensor around 2018. [Manual]( I am trying to access the data it provides. I live in a very busy area (I detect plenty of sensors from the...

device support

This is already supported by FreeCAD, so I think that OpenCascade might already support this. I think is useful to export from STEP (CAD files) to Blender (for rendering) without...
