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Light Baking for three.js


Light Baking for three.js

The aim of this project is to provide light baking functionality for THREE.js WebGL library. This project handles everything from UV mapping to baking the light for the whole scene with Path Tracing and filter the maps to get a smooth result even with lower resolution maps.

edit: This is a fork by manthrax, attempting to get this running with current three.js

This build might not be stable for THREE.js


  • Distortion free UV mapping
  • Optimizing UV layout with bin packing from Code inComplete
  • Light Baking
  • Path Tracing
  • Gauss/Box Filter
  • Import and Export
  • Integration in three.js
  • Integration in the three.js editor
  • Web Worker functionality


Live Examples:



  • Webserver eg node.js, phpstorm etc.
  • Chrome 44 (Mozilla and IE seems to have some issues while using our workers)


Download the following scripts:

  • Mandatory script
  • Optional only for using workers script
  • Optional for import/export script
  • Optional for import/export script

Include them in your html after the THREE.js WebGL library.

<script src="three.min.js"></script>
<script src="LightBaking.js"></script>

Minimal Config (Singlethreaded)

lightBaking = THREE.LightBaking({
         "scene"": scene,
         "appMode": THREE.LightBaking.ApplicationExecutionEnum.SINGLETHREADED

Minimal Config (Multithreaded)

lightBaking = THREE.LightBaking({
         "scene"": scene,
         "workerSource": "LightBakingWorker.js", //optional, only used if multithreading is enabled. Set the source of the LightBakingWorker.js file.

Parameter description

All Parameters are listed with their default values.

lightBaking = THREE.LightBaking( {

         // Scene Information
         // pass the scene object to the LightBaking plugin
         "scene"": scene

         // Application Execution Model
         // Runs the application in the desired mode.
         // - SINGLETHREADED: Everything is done in the main(ui)thread
         // - ASYNC: Executed asynchronously(not really different to SINGLETHREADED)
         // - MULTITHREADED: Using dedicated WebWorkers
         "appMode": THREE.LightBaking.ApplicationExecutionEnum.MULTITHREADED,

         // (dedicated) Web Worker
         // - workerSource:  only used if multithreading is enabled. Set the source of the LightBakingWorker.js file.
         // - workerLimit: Maximal amount of worker
         "workerSource": "js/LightBakingWorker.js",
         "workerLimit": navigator.hardwareConcurrency,

         // Debugging
         // only used for developing purposes
         // - debugText: get some insight which method was called
         // - debugLightmap: same functionality as debugLightmaps() on THREE.LightBaking
         "debugText": false,
         "debugLightmap": false,
         "debugVisual": false,
         "debugVisualMeshNbr": 0,
         "debugVisualProbabilityFilter": 0.005,
         "debugVisualIsSelectedMesh": false
         "debugVisualRT": false,

         // Lightmap size
         // Usually 2^x
         "textureWidth": 512,
         "textureHeight": 512,

         // Shading Techniques
         // - PHONG
         // - FLAT
         // - FLATFAST (color determined by face vertices, and the whole face gets this color)
         "shading": THREE.LightBaking.ShadingEnum.PHONG,

         // Illumination Models
         // Only Lambertian. Phong doesn't make sense in terms of lightbaking.
         // - LAMBERT
         "illuminationModel": THREE.LightBaking.IlluminationModelEnum.LAMBERT,

         // UV related
         // - uvMethod: optional, 0 - first try, 1 - simple centered, 2 - bin packing approach
         // - packingOffset: optional, offset in pixels for the UV map
         // - uvSmoothing: optional, offset in percent for the inTriangle test used in baking
         "uvMethod": THREE.LightBaking.UVMethodEnum.PACKED,
         "packingOffset": 2,
         "uvSmoothing": 0.2,

         // Light Baking algorithms
         // used for baking TWOPASS/PATHTRACING
         "bakingMethod": THREE.LightBaking.BakingMethodEnum.PATHTRACING,

         // TwoPass Method
         // - twoPassCount: 1 - only direct light, 2 with indirect light
         //   (more passes not possible)
         "twoPassPassCount": 2,

         // PathTracing Method (minimum settings(only direct light))
         // - sampels: samples per lumel
         // - pathTracingRecLevel: max recursion depth
         "samples": 1,
         "pathTracingRecLevel": 0,

         // Ray direction
         // how to integrate over the hemisphere
         // direction for the rays [0-1],
         //   0: only in normal direction
         //   1: 180� direction(ideal diffuse)

         // specificMeshBaking
         // Enable/disable specific baking
         // - ENABLED = default(bake all)
         // - DISABLED = bake all which have userDate.baking.bakeMe === true(bake only these)
         // - INVERTED = bakeMe===True ignores these to bake)
         "specificMeshBaking": THREE.LightBaking.SpecificMeshBakingEnum.DISABLED,

         // specificRayCasting
         //optional used for enable/disable ignoring objects,
         // - ENABLED = default(raycast all)
         // - DISABLED = bake all which have userDate.baking.intersectMe === true(use only these fot intersection tests)
         // - INVERTED = intersectMe===True ignores these to intersect)
         "specificRayCasting": THREE.LightBaking.SpecificRayCastingEnum.DISABLED,

         // Raycasting
         // - raycasterImplementation: choose between threejs raycaster implementation and octree(threejs preferred atm!)
         // - raycasterPrecision: set the raycaster precision. the lower the more precise
         "raycasterImplementation": THREE.LightBaking.RayCasterEnum.THREEJS,
         "raycasterPrecision": 0.0001,

         // softshadows
         // - softShadows: enable/disable soft shadows
         // - softShadowSamples: number of shadow samples fot the TWOPASS method.
         // - softShadowIntensity: used in direct light calculation, higher intensity results in brighter values
         "softShadows": true,
         "softShadowSamples": 1,
         "softShadowIntensity": 1,

         // giIntensity
         // increase it to boost the brightness of the indirect rays
         "giIntensity": 2,

         // lightAttenuation
         // - turn the light Attenuation for point lights on/off. Attenuation is derives from the standard point light attributes
         "lightAttenuation": false,

         // Lightmaps post processing:
         // applies an image processing filter onto the lightmap
         // postProcessingFilter: NONE/BOX/GAUSS, used to soften the lightmaps
         "postProcessingFilter": THREE.LightBaking.FilterEnum.NONE,

} );

Most common parameters:

  • to get a smooth/flat shading use: shading & ShadingEnum.Flat or ShadingEnum.PHONG
  • to get rid of seams use: packingOffset and/or uvSmoothing and set a higher texture width/height
  • to get indirect lighting use: samples > 0 rec level > 1
  • to get softshadows use: softshadows: true
  • to achieve a brighter lightmap: set giIntensity >= 2
  • to improve the pathtracing quality: the more samples the better the quality

Import Scene

var lightBaking = THREE.LightBaking( { scene: scene } );
lightBaking.importLightMaps( "baked/" );

Export Scene

From developer Console:



To add our baking solution to the three.js editor you need to add the Sidebar.LightBaking.js into the editor/js folder. In addition, include the following files in the editors index.html:

<script src="LightBaking.js"></script>
<script src="packer.growing.js"></script>
<script src="Sidebar.LightBaking.js"></script>

Copyright (C) 2015 Dominik Link, Jan Pascal Tschudy, FHNW For full license and information, see LICENSE.