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XML Parser written entirely in Lua that works for Lua 5.1+. Convert XML to and from Lua Tables ๐ŸŒ–๐Ÿ’ฑ

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xml2lua is an XML parser written entirely in Lua which doesn't depend on any external C/C++ library. It works for Lua 5.1 to 5.3 and enables:

  • parsing an XML string into a Lua Table;
  • converting a Lua Table to an XML string.

This version was adapted to work with Lua 5 and can be used in Lua applications, including interactive Digital Television (DTV) http://gingancl.org.br/en[Ginga NCL applications] for the http://www.dtv.org.br[Brazilian DTV System] (worldwide known as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISDB-T_International[ISDB-T International or ISDB-Tb]).

The original parser was written by Paul Chakravarti and is available on http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaXml[LuaUsers].

== Installation

=== From LuaRocks repository

The best way to download the module is using https://luarocks.org/modules/manoelcampos/xml2lua[LuaRocks] at the command line:


luarocks install xml2lua

=== From local sources

Download the source files using the download button above or type at a terminal:


git clone https://github.com/manoelcampos/xml2lua.git

Finally, enter the directory where the source files were downloaded and type:


luarocks make

== How to use

=== Parsing an XML String into a Lua Table

A simplified example which parses an XML directly from a string is presented below. There are some caveats to deal with when an XML has just one tag. Check the link:example1.lua[example1.lua] for details.


local xml2lua = require("xml2lua") --Uses a handler that converts the XML to a Lua table local handler = require("xmlhandler.tree")

local xml = [[ Manoel Palmas-TO University of Brasรญlia Brasรญlia-DF


--Instantiates the XML parser local parser = xml2lua.parser(handler) parser:parse(xml)

--Manually prints the table (since the XML structure for this example is previously known) for i, p in pairs(handler.root.people.person) do print(i, "Name:", p.name, "City:", p.city, "Type:", p._attr.type) end

=== Converting a Lua Table to an XML String


local xml2lua = require("xml2lua") local people = { person = { {name="Manoel", city="Palmas-TO", _attr={ type='natural' } }, {name="Breno", city="Palmas-TO", _attr={ type='legal' } } } }

print("People Table\n") xml2lua.printable(people)

print() print("XML Representation\n") print(xml2lua.toXml(people, "people"))

== Command line tool

You can use a command line tool to try parsing XML files. Execute lua testxml.lua -help on the terminal for more details.

== Running tests

=== Requeriments

You must have https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/[installed docker and docker compose].

=== How to


make lint # to run the lint check make test # to run the acceptance tests

== License

This code is freely distributable under the terms of the link:LICENSE[MIT license].

== Authors