Linus Behrbohm
Linus Behrbohm
Hi, I might have a similar problem as you are describing, but I am not really sure. My example is, I have a text input element and an expensive SVG....
The way I handle this is that I have a Makefile in each `server` and `client`, and also one above each of those, calling both of their make commands: [see...
But why can't it open a new tab?
Ah, okay. Now I understand. I wonder what should happen with the other `target` values. Does seed have a concept for these "browsing contexts"? None that I am aware of....
Makes sense. I guess anything the other targets do can be emulated using other features.
On a top-level, I can think of two different kinds of errors: - errors that should be notified to the user i.e. should be reflected by the UI - errors...
What I noticed is that there are currently issues with Error handling when using messages. Messages usually have to implement `Clone` to use them with subscribe/notify, but Errors usually do...
Maybe an idea would be providing a function like this: ```rust orders.perform_cmd_with_sink(async move |sink: MessageSink| { let msg = task1().await; sink.send(msg).await?; sink.send(task2().await).await?; Ok(()) }); ``` Here you have to provide...
For your use case I think it would be best to just store the uuid in the model and use it to open a note when you receive `NotesFetched`. And...
Hi, I just released the [enum_paths]( crate, which might make defining routes easier. Maybe we can use it? Basically it derives methods for nested enums to convert them from and...