angular-isotope copied to clipboard
Sans JQuery: is it actually possilbe
I have been banging by head against this for the better part of 8 hours. Is it possible to get anuglar-isotope to work with out JQuery?
I have been trying to get the examples in my checkout to work by just removing
I have also tried added as Desandro demonstrated in this codepen
I would be very grateful if you could offer me any direction or actually tell me if it can be accomplished and if so any examples
Thank YOu1
Yes it is. Have you:
loaded the JS files in this order: angular.js, isotope.pkgd.js, angular.isotope.js
added angular isotope as a dependancy in your ng app like this: var myApp = angular.module('myAppName', ['iso.directives']);
named your container and isotope items accordingly? the container should have the attribute isotope-container, and an isotope item isotope-item