Can we use both Nanopore and Illumina reads concatenated together into a single fastq file for the Mitochondrial genome assembly using Novoplasty? Or is Novoplasty specific for Illumina Data?
While performing the Unite function on CHG context files in methylkit, I get the following error : Error in bmerge. Incompatible join types. I have posted the screenshot of error...
Is it possible to run Novoplasty in parallel threads? As it's taking a lot of time during the Hash table generation, is there any other way to speed up this...
The reason I ran circexplorer2 is to know if the RNA contains any Fusions which are circular in nature. So in the Output of Circexplorer2 Annotate command, I see only...
From the readme of SongBird I can find that the X-axis of cv_error graph is the number of iterations. In the command this is defined by _"-epochs"_ argument. Though we...
I have been using bigWig file from bdgcmp containing logFE values (compared ChIP signals against Input). As part of next step, I would like to use bdgpeakcall, where I am...
How does Funannotate compare module generate the stats html file where unique number of proteins between multiple organisms are provided? What's the algorithm(software) behind the same? Also where can I...