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Twitter Clone Backend (Prisma + GraphQL)

Twitter Clone Backend

NOTE: As of 10-06-2022 at 19:35 IST, I am archiving this repository. It was fun while it lasted.

Twitter clone backend built with Prisma and GraphQL.

If you are looking for the frontend repo, click here

Core Packages

  1. prisma - allows us to define our application models and generates CRUD operations from our defined models
  2. graphql-yoga - graphql server
  3. jsonwebtoken - authentication


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Running locally

Prisma setup

  • You need to have a prisma account

  • Make sure to install the prisma cli tool globally in your machine

    pm i -g prisma
     once you created your account, you can login from the terminal
    risma login
  • Once you logged into your account, you need to create a new prisma project

    risma init 
  • Copy the 'datamodel.prisma' file in the 'prisma_setup' folder to the root directory

    p prisma_setup/datamodel.prisma . # assuming you are present in the root directory
  • Then you need to simply deploy the changes you made

    risma deploy

Environmental variables setup

  • Create a .env file at the root directory with the following contents

Then run npm i && npm run dev to start the development server

Watch this video on how to setup locally

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Deploying the backend to heroku

First create an heroku account and install the heroku cli globally and login

npm i -g heroku
heroku login

Once logged in, create a new heroku application and push it to the remote 'heroku'

heroku create
git push heroku master

Then you need to manually setup the environmental variables using the heroku dashboard








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