Simon Li

Results 655 comments of Simon Li

@davidbrochart https is only required for external connections between your browser and mybinder. If your webserver is running inside your Docker container then plain http should work since communication will...

@davidbrochart I think we'll need to see a diagram of all you components and communication between them. In order to keep this discussion focused on the PR would you mind...

Do `DELETE` requests work in the notebook API: ?

Some HTTP methods won't allow a redirect. I don't know where that's defined but intuitively it makes sense, for example `DELETE` with `user-redirect` means you don't know what resource you're...

I'm in favour of using `prettier` and `black` throughout this repo with pre-commit for autoformatting (code, javascript, markdown, yml). Main thing is to decide when to make the change to...

Would this PR cover your needs?

@bollwyvl Do you reckon we should close and start afresh with your above suggestion?

I've merged in master, and pushed a test to this branch. I'm undecided on whether to merge now with the parameter name `allow_restart_on_graceful_exit`, or whether we should deal with the...

What do you think about changing the property name to something like `restart_policy`, `auto_restart`, .... and making it a string? Initially it could be restricted to either `None`/`''`, or `on-success`...

When should the process be restarted? Straightaway in simpervisor (`always_restart` Or only on demand?