play-json-alone copied to clipboard
play-json module
Play 2.2 is out but I don't see the play-json module listed anywhere on this page:
Where should it be located? Sorry if it's really obvious, I'm new to the play framework. Thanks!
Actually it's an internal module of Play that can be used independently of Play as Iteratees. But it's not a module in the meaning "plugin" or "external module". You can find its code in play code on github. The jar is located in the same place as play in typesafe repository...
Okay I see it there, right?
That would be great to have the module key conveniently offered in the Keys
trait of the play sbt-plugin, just like Anorm, jdbc, etc..
package play
trait Keys extends scala.AnyRef {
val jdbc : sbt.ModuleID = { /* compiled code */ }
val anorm : sbt.ModuleID = { /* compiled code */ }
val javaCore : sbt.ModuleID = { /* compiled code */ }
val javaJdbc : sbt.ModuleID = { /* compiled code */ }
val javaEbean : sbt.ModuleID = { /* compiled code */ }
val javaJpa : sbt.ModuleID = { /* compiled code */ }
Thanks for your quick answer!
But actually you don't need it in Play because play depends on iteratee and json so you have them whatever happens ;)
Oh yeah true, silly me, hehe..