ADFSpoof copied to clipboard
Version should be 1 .
When running python -b Token_sign_blob.bin DKMkey.bin dump I am getting "Version should be 1" message and script dies. I modified to output what the actual version is. The version is: "538976257" Probably the problem lies in the way I saved EncryptedPfx and DKMkey from ADFSDump What I did:
EncryptedPfx a) I took everything between: [-] Encrypted Token Signing Key Begin and [-] Encrypted Token Signing Key End, which looks like this: AAAAAQAAAAAEEGXuqoRBIwFInUU[....]q6YTotIB2BA8v+zfmKuMDPw== b) I based64 decoded and saved the output to Token_sign_blob.bin
DKM key a) I took Private Key: B7-12-96-C1-50-89-CA-54-B7-D2-ED-E5-F0-8E-24-AA-4F-27-2F-1B-2C-9E-2E-8A-43-47-42-FD-55-B0-72-CB b) I removed dashes. c) I base64 decoded it and saved the output to DKMkey.bin
Is there any other type of conversation that needs to be done?
correct way to create DKM key:
a) take private key
b) take hex editor and paste in the bytes ( private key without dashes) and save as DKMkey.bin
Thank you. I see DKM key extracted from Active Directory already comes in HEX.
Do you mean that DKM key should be HEX representation of actual ANSI bytes?
Taking my DKM key as example and as Hex editor example, this what I should?
yes, DKMkey.bin should be HEX representation of actual ANSI bytes. In screenshot I see a lot of zeros, remove everything after 72 CB
Hi! In my case I used 'cat DKMkey.txt | tr -d "-" | xxd -r -p > DKMkey.bin'. I think it works the same but I did not get the zeros :)
Thank you I am getting closer Now I am getting: Calculated MAC did not match anticipated MAC Calculated MAC: b'H\x03\xbauF\x02\xed\x87%\x7f+\xafZ\x95\xdc\xd3\x0b\x05\x15O\x12\xf69\xc5\x9a\xb6!;\x83\xea_\x03' Expected MAC: b'\xc0\xae\x84\x8f\x0cm\x16g\x1c\x1axnV\x83\xed\x08I\x1dAv\xa5m^\x91]\xd8o\xf1\xb8\x14\x8b\x04'
What do you do with EncryptedPFX? Do you just base64 decode the output from ADFSDump? cat Token_sign_blob_ADFS2019.txt | base64 -d >Token_sign_blob_ADFS2019.bin
Ha! Welcome to the club! (ppl who didn't read readme :) ) Steps to fix this:
- pip uninstall cryptography
- git clone
- cd cryptography
- pip install -e .
Have fun!
Thank you! It worked, though only on Linux. On Windows I am getting installation error when installing crypthography.
Hey! If the method does not work, This what worked for me :
- Create of virtual environments in python
- git clone
- cd cryptography
- pip3 install pyopenssl --upgrade -e .
Hey @0xMazen @duzvik Please help me im also getting the same error A tool to for AD FS security tokens Created by @doughsec
Calculated MAC did not match anticipated MAC Calculated MAC: b"e\xec|[\x17?.\xffC'v(u\xaaBiw\x90\xfb\x1c\xd4H\xf7LM\x13\x87+G\x99mX" Expected MAC: b"{\xad\xa9}\x02\xfa]\xdb\xcb\x95\x15p \x1c\x9c\xed\xbcC/\xc1\xef\xc0f\xd1\x93D'\xeb\xb0\x8a\xc0\xe1"
i have tried to install this but its not being installed at git clone
any other version of cryptography im able to install