Hey, if you solved this could you please share it so I can fix it as well?
Do you think this could be useful for the agent? or the agent should eventually be able to figure all this out by itself?
Thanks for this. Being one of them, I would also appreciate if there could be more examples. Like using other libraries, self play, etc would be very nice
In this past days I updated my RLlib and now its not even starting any battles, they must have changed something on their end. I can't figure out how to...
Hi, Can you guys add an example with this? It would be very helpful for those of us that don't have much coding skills yet would still like to enjoy...
I believe that random battles don't use the full learnset of each mon, but rather a small pool of moves from which it selects randomly. If we could use that...
I just noticed that sometimes a mon has only 1 possible ability, yet mon.ability returns None. I believe I fixed it like this: ``` def ability(self) -> Optional[str]: """ :return:...
hey! any updates on this? :)
Hi Haris, any estimate of when this will be done? :)
Hey, I tried solving this but not sure if its correct. Let me know what you think: ``` moves = [get_move_information(m) for m in msg_lines if m.startswith('|move|')] #get any switches...