dnfdragora copied to clipboard
dnfdragora crashes F41 Rawhide kde-live 20240514 ISO
The fresh install is made offline, same for dnfdragora and few other apps. In the last 2 weeks, some modifications have been made a few times to dependencies: glibc are among them. It was working ok in our previous. Remove and reinstall did not help.
Does not open and crashes immediately. Here's the result from the terminal:
$ dnfdragora
Try reading configuration file
From ./dnfdragora.yaml
Skipped exception: <[Errno 2] No such file or directory: './dnfdragora.yaml'>
From /etc/dnfdragora/dnfdragora.yaml
Finally read user settings from /home/fed/.config/dnfdragora.yaml
Skipped exception: <[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/fed/.config/dnfdragora.yaml'>
Logging disabled
<_M_> [ui] YUILoader.cc:60 loadUI(): DISPLAY: ":0"
<_M_> [ui] YUILoader.cc:61 loadUI(): XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: "KDE"
<_M_> [ui] YUILoader.cc:62 loadUI(): YUI_PREFERED_BACKEND: ""
<_M_> [ui] YUILoader.cc:96 loadUI(): User-selected UI-plugin: ""
<_M_> [ui] YUILoader.cc:128 loadUI(): Using UI-plugin: "qt"
<_M_> [ui] YUI.cc:83 YUI(): This is libyui 4.2.16
<_M_> [ui] YUI.cc:84 YUI(): Creating UI without threads
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQUI.cc:107 YQUI(): This is libyui-qt 4.2.16
<_M_> [ui] YUI.cc:238 topmostConstructorHasFinished(): Running without threads
<_M_> [qt-styler] QY2Styler.cc:146 loadStyleSheet(): Couldn't open style sheet "/usr/share/libyui/theme/current/wizard/style.qss"
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQUI.cc:251 processCommandLineArgs(): Qt argument: /usr/bin/python3
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQUI.cc:251 processCommandLineArgs(): Qt argument: /usr/bin/dnfdragora
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQUI.cc:404 calcDefaultSize(): Default size: 1493 x 840
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQApplication.cc:96 YQApplication(): QIcon::themeName = 'breeze-dark'
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQApplication.cc:151 loadPredefinedQtTranslations(): Selected language: en_US
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQApplication.cc:171 loadPredefinedQtTranslations(): Loaded translations for predefined Qt dialogs for en_US
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQUI.cc:228 initUI(): YQUI initialized. Thread ID: 0x0x7f8147417740
<_M_> [ew] YExternalWidgets.cc:40 YExternalWidgets(): Creating Libyui External Widgets object
Get root backend. Locked (False)
Unexpected error: <class 'dbus.exceptions.DBusException'>
<_M_> [ui] YUILoader.cc:236 deleteUI(): Shutting down UI
<_M_> [qt-ui] YQUI.cc:294 ~YQUI(): Closing down Qt UI.
<_M_> [ew] YExternalWidgets.cc:123 ~YExternalWidgetsTerminator(): Shutting down mga External Widgets
<_M_> [ew] YMGAWidgetExtensionFactory.cc:49 ~YMGAWidgetFactory(): Factory removed
$ rpm -qa *\glibc\*