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:white_square_button: Decap

Scan PCAP Files for Security Issues

Analyzing PCAP file in forensic investigation or, incident response takes a long time. In such cases, Decap tool will help you to initially scan the PCAP file.

:ledger: Feature

  • Get the security reputation of IP address.
  • Get the security reputation of URL.
  • Get MAC address and vendor name.
  • Check existence of suspicious network ports.

:beginner: Requirements

  • Decap tool requires the Internet connection.
  • Decap tool is built with PowerShell and Python. If you are using Decap tool for the first time then, install some required Python modules by running the below commands:
    pip install scapy
    pip install OTXv2

:black_square_button: How to Run

  • Open up the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and go to the Decap tool's folder. For example, if your Decap folder location is 'E:\Downloads\decap-main' then run the below command:
    cd E:\Downloads\decap-main
  • Now use the below command to run the Decap tool:
    powershell -File decap.ps1 file.pcap

    Replace file.pcap with your PCAP file location. For example, if you want to scan the 'E:\Packets\file.pcap' file then run the below command:
    powershell -File decap.ps1 E:\Packets\file.pcap

:toolbox: Don't have PCAP file?

  • You can download PCAP files of malware infected network from Malware Traffic Analysis. Password of the ZIP file will be infected.
  • You can also download from Netresec.