hacs_waste_collection_schedule copied to clipboard
[Source Request]: mijnafvalwijzer
Municipality / Region
Collection Calendar Webpage
Example Address
Collection Data Format
As documented API
Additional Information
Currently I'm using https://github.com/pippyn/Home-Assistant-Sensor-Afvalbeheer whcih supports mijnafvalwijzer.
I like the approach of this integration better. Maybe the 2 can be combined or some kind of collaboration can be reached
looks like @pippyn and we are basically doing the same work. I would be great to channel our work.
Just using their API seems not to be that easy as they do not offer a python package and integration the source code is a bit delicate as they are using the Apache 2.0 licence and we are using MIT License. We would probably need to come to an agreement (@mampfes should be involved).
Apache 2.0 is (to my very limited knowledge) more permissive than MIT licencse. Therefore, we are not allowed to use their code without listing the modifications. But I like the idea of a cooperation. For me it would be ok if they reuse code from us.