mamba copied to clipboard
solver_addrule: Assertion `!p2 && d > 0' failed
Troubleshooting docs
- [X] My problem is not solved in the Troubleshooting docs
Anaconda default channels
- [X] I do NOT use the Anaconda default channels (pkgs/* etc.)
How did you install Mamba?
Mambaforge or latest Miniforge
Search tried in issue tracker
Similar to #1382, but for a single (conda-forge) channel
Latest version of Mamba
- [X] My problem is not solved with the latest version
Tried in Conda?
I didn't try
Describe your issue
Trying to create an environment from environment.yaml below runs for a long time, and eventually gives:
solver_addrule: Assertion `!p2 && d > 0' failed
This is for non-CUDA installs, so to reproduce you may need to set CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA
to ""
I was able to get the same error with a subset of the packages:
mamba create -n test -C 'awkward<2' 'bokeh' 'brotli' 'ca-policy-lcg' 'coffea=0.7.22' 'correctionlib' 'curl' 'dask-expr' 'dask-gateway' 'dask-jobqueue' 'dask_labextension' 'geventhttpclient' 'gxx' 'h5py' 'hist' 'htcondor' 'ipympl' 'pytorch_spline_conv'
If I reduce further, it does eventually solve, but takes a surprisingly long time (more than an hour):
mamba create -n test -C 'awkward<2' 'bokeh' 'brotli' 'ca-policy-lcg' 'curl' 'dask-expr' 'pytorch_spline_conv'
mamba info / micromamba info
mamba version : 1.5.8
active environment : base
active env location : /storage/local/data1/home/burt/miniforge3
shell level : 1
user config file : /storage/local/data1/home/burt/.condarc
populated config files : /storage/local/data1/home/burt/miniforge3/.condarc
conda version : 24.3.0
conda-build version : not installed
python version :
solver : libmamba (default)
virtual packages : __archspec=1=cascadelake
base environment : /storage/local/data1/home/burt/miniforge3 (writable)
conda av data dir : /storage/local/data1/home/burt/miniforge3/etc/conda
conda av metadata url : None
channel URLs :
package cache : /storage/local/data1/home/burt/miniforge3/pkgs
envs directories : /storage/local/data1/home/burt/miniforge3/envs
platform : linux-64
user-agent : conda/24.3.0 requests/2.31.0 CPython/3.10.14 Linux/5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64 almalinux/9.3 glibc/2.34 solver/libmamba conda-libmamba-solver/24.1.0 libmambapy/1.4.2
UID:GID : 12697:5063
netrc file : None
offline mode : False
Looking for: ["awkward[version='<2']", 'bokeh', 'brotli', 'ca-policy-lcg', 'coffea=0.7.22', 'correctionlib', 'curl', 'dask-expr', 'dask-gateway', 'dask-jobqueue', 'dask_labextension', 'geventhttpclient', 'gxx', 'h5py', 'hist', 'htcondor', 'ipympl', 'pytorch_spline_conv']
conda-forge/linux-64 Using cache
conda-forge/noarch Using cache
python: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/libsolv-split_1711552982341/work/src/rules.c:261: solver_addrule: Assertion `!p2 && d > 0' failed.
name: test1
- conda-forge
- awkward<2
- bokeh
- brotli
- ca-policy-lcg
- coffea=0.7.22
- correctionlib
- curl
- dask-expr
- dask-gateway
- dask-jobqueue
- dask_labextension
- geventhttpclient
- gxx
- h5py
- hist
- htcondor
- ipympl
- jupyterlab
- lz4
- ndcctools
- numpy
- onnxruntime
- pandas
- pip
- pytables
- python-graphviz
- python-rapidjson
- python-xxhash
- pytorch
- pytorch_cluster
- pytorch_sparse
- pytorch_spline_conv
- rucio-clients
- scipy
- torch-scatter
- uproot<5
- vector
- conda-forge
auto_activate_base: false