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mamba copied to clipboard

No output about installed packages

Open valeriupredoi opened this issue 4 months ago • 0 comments

Hi folks, hopefully a quick one:

  • mamba version 1.5.8 (see mention about 1.5.7 below) installed from conda-forge
  • conda version 24.3.0
  • platform: linux64
  • problem: no output to screen about what packages it installs while env is created (mamba=1.5.7 is outputting output but that gets flushed off when the env creation finishes, plus even that is missing cnda channel where the pkgs get grabbed from, pkg hash, and sizes)
  • command: eg mamba env create -n esmvalcore -f environment.yml
  • actual example output using above command:
(base) valeriu@valeriu-PORTEGE-Z30-C:~/ESMValCore$ mamba env create -n esmvalcore -f environment.yml 
 - conda-forge
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

Downloading and Extracting Packages:

Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: |
Executing transaction: - 
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate esmvalcore
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate

(base) valeriu@valeriu-PORTEGE-Z30-C:~/ESMValCore$
  • how we'd want that output to look like: like it was with mamba=1.5.6 and older:
  Package                                  Version  Build                    Channel           Size

  + python_abi                                3.12  4_cp312                  conda-forge     Cached
  + pandoc                        ha770c72_0               conda-forge     Cached
  + _libgcc_mutex                              0.1  conda_forge              conda-forge     Cached
  + libstdcxx-ng                            13.2.0  h7e041cc_5               conda-forge     Cached
  + ld_impl_linux-64                          2.40  h41732ed_0               conda-forge     Cached
  • is there any way of sorting this out? I couldn't find anything via --help
  • have a look at a GitHub action too: you can see it by selecting Run conda-incubator... -> Updating 'esmvalcore' env from ... (that run is with mamba=1.5.7 - there the output is just temporarily shown, then flushed once the env building completes)

Cheers muchly and have a good weekend :beer:

valeriupredoi avatar Apr 05 '24 14:04 valeriupredoi