yii-debug-toolbar copied to clipboard
A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
Hi :) I perform some ajax get and post calls. Get actions usually end with $this->renderPartial, while Post actions usually end with Yii::app()->end() Anyway I do not see any sql...
it happens if there is more event handlers attached to `onEndRequest`. All of them can't save states to session after Yii-debug-bar. Bug is not permanent, but sometimes we had problems...
When Yii::app()->end() is sent the toolbar should be disabled as this is usually used when exiting with content and the debug toolbar still sends it's html out.
I would like to add a wild card for ipv6 addresses like this: ::ffff:192.168.0.* This is needed because my nginx server returns ip addresses in that format. The rule ```...
CProfileLogRoute shows the benchmarks which you set using _Yii::beginProfile()_ and _Yii::endProfile()_. Very useful for finding the choke points in the application.
Add the ability to view cached queries
Possibility to execute SQL query from SQL callstack and get results
Improvement that resolves an issue with showing the database connection details when server info returns data in array
Hi. I think this project is amazing. I did, however, encounter a bug that I spent a rather long time trying to troubleshoot: With APC enabled, the yii-debug-toolbar gets its...