byob copied to clipboard
Unable to find image 'win-x32:latest' locally err
Please use the Discord Support Server if you need help and reserve creating issues for bug reports.
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. The docker application win-x32 not being available, in return BYOB not creating a payload and hanging
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- start
- log into web-ui
- create win32 executable payload
- website hangs
- check terminal and see error
Expected behavior The payload to be created and in a list contained with other python scripts and whatnot
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Python Ver: Python 3.8.10
Additional context I have attempted to go to the github, found other people who have had the problem, and reinstalled BYOB just for the error to occur again. I have also logged into a docker account, in which I have failed. So, the last thing to say is that the dependancy was deleted off of docker hub.
same problem
A stack overflow forum mentioned how the dependency was taken down... Dunno why though.
- its still there.
Stale issue message