
Results 20 comments of Sergey

Yes. Exactly like usual php sessions do

@synatree have you tried to trace, what is happening during such problem? What is the contents of the Redis session value before the request, during the request and after the...

Hi. The link that you have provided now needs to be fixed. It seems that the problem is in the added templating to openapi.yml, which happened in commit 241b9b19501c077ce43e0615042851e7b8b7ce87

May be it is better to define some list of mapping or getter/setter functions for attributes? This shouldn't hit performance(as we search function by hash) and can be pretty flexible....

@samdark didn't get your point

Then, I think, it is convenient to allow getter be cacheable out of the box to avoid multiple same computations

I see there and in PR begins confusion. May be we have to define, for what concrete PURPOSE that feature is usefull, and then thing about exact implementation?

Upgrading to `1.25.0` also fixed the bug for us. (Don't remember, which version we had before the update)

Facing same issue "Не удалось проверить переданные данные." Althogh, in logs I can see, that both CSRF cookie and CSRF Header has been sent by user

I think that this may happen due to session expiration. User's session is expired, he relogins on one page, but other page is cached in browser and contains old session...