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Advanced validation library for Javascript & React | Inspired by laravel validation


  • Instalation
  • Usage
  • Extending Validator
  • Aviable Validation Rules
  • Use With React.js
  • Messages
  • Change rule separators
  • Contributing
  • License


You can install max-validator using npm or yarn package manager:

npm i max-validator --save
npm install max-validator --save
yarn add max-validator


var V = require('max-validator');

// validate if email is unique
var checkEmail = function (value) {
  if (isUniqueEmail(value)) {
    return true;
  return 'This email is already used';

var registerRequestScheme = {
  name: 'required|string|min:2|max:50',
  lastname: 'required|string|min:2|max:50',
  gender: 'required|in_array:male,female',
  accept_policy: 'checked',
  email: [
    function (value) {
      // Validate with inline function
      if (isValidEmail(value)) {
        return true;
      return 'Provided email is invalid';
  address: {
    required: true,
    min: 5,
    max: 50,
    contains_one: ['st', 'str', 'street', '#'],
    mycustom: function (value) {
      if (value !== 'foo') {
        return 'Your address is incorrect';
      return true;

var result = Validator.validate(
    name: 'Malkhazi',
    lastname: 'Dartsmeldize',
    email: '[email protected]',
    gender: 'male',
    accept_policy: 'true',
    address: 'Tbilisi, Georgia',

// Get if validate returned error
result.hasError; // Boolean

// Get errors object
result.errors; // Object

// Get if given field has error
result.isError('name'); // Boolean

// Get if given field has error of given validation rule
result.isError('name', 'max'); // Boolean
result.isError('name', 'mycustom'); // Boolean
// Note: you cant get whether inline function passed validation or not

// Get first validation error message of field
result.getError('name'); // String

// Get all validation error messages of field
result.getError('name', true); // String (joined messages with comma)

Extending Validator

Validator function must return true to make data valid

import V from 'max-validator';

  function (value, param1, param2, {
    // You can pass as many parameter as you want or use ...spread operator to get array as parameter
    var err = {
      value: value,
    if (value !== 'condition') {
      return true;
    } else {
      return err;
  'Default Error Message: :name cant be :value'
// usage: {name: 'custom_rule:val1,val2|required'}

Validation Structure

  dataName: 'value here'
}, {
  dataName: 'required|string|in_array:val1,val2',
  withArray: ['required','string', 'in_array:val1,val2'],
  withObject: {
    required: true,
    string: true,
    in_array: ['val1','val2'],
    customRule: function(value){
      // Custom condition here
      if(/* isvalid */){
        return true
      } else {
        return 'This is error string';

Aviable Validation Rules

 * Validates if given values is `undefined` `null` or empty string.
 * @message Parameter is required
 * @example ...'|required'

 * Tells validator to pass value in validator function as string
 * @example ...'|string'

 * Tells validator to pass value in validator function as number
 * @example ...'|number'

 * Rule for parameter that is not required
 * @example ...'|nullable'

 * Returns error if given value is greater than given parameter, if value is not numeric compares string length
 * @message Parameter cant be less than Value
 * @example ...'|min:20|'

 * Returns error if given value is less than given parameter, if value is not numeric compares string length
 * @message Parameter cant be greater than Value
 * @example ...'|max:20|'

 * Returns error if given value is between given parameter, if value is not numeric compares string length
 * @message Parameter must be between From and To
 * @example ...'|between:20,40|'

 * Validates if checkbox is checked. Valid values: `'on', 1, 'true', true`
 * @message Parameter must be checked
 * @example ...'|checked|'

 * Validates if given value is object
 * @message Parameter must be object
 * @example ...'|object|'

 * Validates if given value is array
 * @message Parameter must be array
 * @example ...'|array|'

 * Validates if given value is boolean
 * @message Parameter must be boolean
 * @example ...'|boolean|'

 * Validates if given value is valid json
 * @message Parameter must be valid json
 * @example ...'|json|'

 * Validates if given value contains only digits and letters
 * @message Parameter can only contain digits and letters
 * @example ...'|alpha_numeric|'

 * Validates if given value contains only digits
 * @message Parameter can only contain numbers
 * @example ...'|numeric|'

 * Validates if given value contains only letters
 * @message Parameter can only contain leters
 * @example ...'|alpha|'

 * Validates if given value contains only letters and dashes
 * @message Parameter can only contain letters and dashes
 * @example ...'|alpha_dash|'

 * Validates if given value is correct email
 * @message Parameter must be correct e-mail
 * @example ...'|email|'

 * Validates if given value is in given array
 * @message Parameter is invalid
 * @example ...'|in_array:1,2,a,b,c|'

 * Validates if given value is not in given array
 * @message Parameter cant be Value
 * @example ...'|not_in:1,2,a,b,c|'

 * Validates if given value is valid IP Address
 * @message Parameter must be valid ip adress
 * @example ...'|ip|'

 * Validates if given value is valid URl
 * @message Parameter must be valid URL
 * @example ...'|url|'

 * Validates if given value equals to given parameter
 * @message Parameter must equal to Value
 * @example ...'|equals:foo|'

 * Validates if given value don't equals to given parameter
 * @message Parameter can't be Value
 * @example ...'|not_equals:foo|'

 * Validates if given value don't contains one of parameter
 * @message Parameter must contain "Value"
 * @example ...'|contains_one:foo,bar,2|'

 * Validates if given value don't contains every given parameter
 * @message Parameter must contain "Value"
 * @example ...'|contains_all:foo,bar,2|'

 * Validates if given value starts with given prefix
 * @message Parameter must start with Value
 * @example ...'|starts_with:foo|'

 * Validates if given value ends with given suffix
 * @message Parameter must end with Value
 * @example ...'|ends_with:foo|'

 * Validates if given value is valid date
 * @message Parameter must be valid date
 * @example ...'|date|'

Use with react.js

import React from 'react';
import V from 'max-validator';

const registerFormScheme = {
  name: 'required|string|min:2|max:50',
  lastname: 'required|string|min:2|max:50',
  email: 'required|email|max:50',
  gender: 'required|in_array:male,female',
  accept_policy: 'checked',

function registerForm(props) {
  const [formState, setFormState] = React.useState({
    isValid: false,
    values: {},
    touched: {},
    errors: V.getEmpty(),

  const handleChange = (event) => {

    setFormState((formState) => ({
      values: {
 === 'checkbox' ? :,
      touched: {
        []: true,

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const errors = V.validate(formState.values, registerFormScheme);

    setFormState((formState) => ({
      isValid: errors.hasError,
  }, [formState.values]);

  const hasErr = (name) => {
    return formState.touched[name] && formState.errors.isError(name);

  return (
      <label htmlFor='name'>Name</label>
        className={hasErr('name') ? 'error' : ''}

      <label htmlFor='lastname'>Last Name</label>
        className={hasErr('lastname') ? 'error' : ''}

      <label htmlFor='lastname'>Email</label>
        className={hasErr('email') ? 'error' : ''}

      <label htmlFor='lastname'>Gender</label>
        className={hasErr('gender') ? 'error' : ''}
        <option value='male'>Male</option>
        <option value='female'>Female</option>

      <label htmlFor='lastname' className={hasErr('accept_policy') ? 'error' : ''}>
        I accept terms and conditions


You can override or add new message

import V from 'max-validator';

/* Override default messages */
  required: 'required override message',
  min: 'validator got parameter :min and value :value'

/* Default message is shown when message not found for rule. (usually when rule is custom made) */
V.setDefaultMessage('This is default message');

Change rule separators

import V from 'max-validator';



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
