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DrawRoute wraps Google Directions API (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/) using RxJava for Android so developers can download, parse and draw path on the map in very fast an...
DrawRoute wraps Google Directions API (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/) using RxAndroid for Android. Now developers can easily Draw route on maps, can get the Estimated time of arrival and the Google suggested distance between two locations in a very easy and flexible. Note: You need to generate an API key at Google cloud platform also don't forget to enable Directions API. Enjoy!
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How to add (gradle)
If you are using gradle: Step1: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step2: Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.malikdawar:drawroute:1.5'
Otherwise you have to use library directly in your project.
First we have to download the path. For this we need to provide two points (start and end) and travel mode.
val source = LatLng(31.490127, 74.316971) //starting point (LatLng)
val destination = LatLng(31.474316, 74.316112) // ending point (LatLng)
googleMap?.run {
moveCameraOnMap(latLng = source) // if you want to zoom the map to any point
//Called the drawRouteOnMap extension to draw the polyline/route on google maps
getString(R.string.google_map_api_key), //your API key
source = source, // Source from where you want to draw path
destination = destination, // destination to where you want to draw path
context = context!! //Activity context
If you want more control
fun GoogleMap.drawRouteOnMap(
mapsApiKey: String, // YOur API key
context: Context, //App context
source: LatLng, //Source, from where you want to draw path
destination: LatLng, //Destination, to where you want to draw path
color: Int = context.getColorCompat(R.color.pathColor), //color, path/route/polygon color, specify the color if you want some other color other then default one
markers: Boolean = true, //If you want markers on source and destination, by default it is true
boundMarkers: Boolean = true, //If you want to bound the markers(start and end points) in screen with padding, by default it is true
polygonWidth: Int = 13, // route/path width, by default it is 13
travelMode: TravelMode = TravelMode.DRIVING //Travel mode, by default it is DRIVING
enum class TravelMode {
Route Estimations
In your Activity/Fragmant
class YourFragment : Fragment(), OnMapReadyCallback {
//if you only want the Estimates (Distance & Time of arrival)
mapsApiKey = getString(R.string.google_map_api_key),
source = source,
destination = destination
) { estimates ->
estimates?.let {
//Google Estimated time of arrival
Log.d(TAG, "ETA: ${it.duration?.text}, ${it.duration?.value}")
//Google suggested path distance
Log.d(TAG, "Distance: ${it.distance?.text}, ${it.distance?.text}")
} ?: Log.e(TAG, "Nothing found")
//if you only want to draw a route on maps and also need the ETAs
//Called the drawRouteOnMap extension to draw the polyline/route on google maps
source = source,
destination = destination,
context = context!!,
) { estimates ->
estimates?.let {
//Google Estimated time of arrival
Log.d(TAG, "ETA: ${it.duration?.text}, ${it.duration?.value}")
//Google suggested path distance
Log.d(TAG, "Distance: ${it.distance?.text}, ${it.distance?.text}")
} ?: Log.e(TAG, "Nothing found")
And taking all together:
class RouteFragment : Fragment(), OnMapReadyCallback {
private var googleMap: GoogleMap? = null
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_map_route, container, false)
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
//initialized google maps
val mapFragment =
childFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.mapView) as SupportMapFragment
override fun onMapReady(p0: GoogleMap?) {
this.googleMap = p0
val source = LatLng(31.490127, 74.316971) //starting point (LatLng)
val destination = LatLng(31.474316, 74.316112) // ending point (LatLng)
//if you only want the Estimates (Distance & Time of arrival)
mapsApiKey = getString(R.string.google_map_api_key),
source = source,
destination = destination
) { estimates ->
estimates?.let {
//Google Estimated time of arrival
Log.d(TAG, "ETA: ${it.duration?.text}, ${it.duration?.value}")
//Google suggested path distance
Log.d(TAG, "Distance: ${it.distance?.text}, ${it.distance?.text}")
} ?: Log.e(TAG, "Nothing found")
googleMap?.run {
//if you want to move the map on specific location
moveCameraOnMap(latLng = source)
//if you want to drop a marker of maps, call it
drawMarker(location = source, context = requireContext(), title = "test marker")
//if you only want to draw a route on maps
//Called the drawRouteOnMap extension to draw the polyline/route on google maps
source = source,
destination = destination,
context = context!!
//if you only want to draw a route on maps and also need the ETAs
//Called the drawRouteOnMap extension to draw the polyline/route on google maps
source = source,
destination = destination,
context = context!!,
) { estimates ->
estimates?.let {
//Google Estimated time of arrival
Log.d(TAG, "ETA: ${it.duration?.text}, ${it.duration?.value}")
//Google suggested path distance
Log.d(TAG, "Distance: ${it.distance?.text}, ${it.distance?.text}")
} ?: Log.e(TAG, "Nothing found")
companion object {
var TAG = RouteFragment::javaClass.name
private final OnMapReadyCallback callback = googleMap -> {
LatLng source = new LatLng(31.490127, 74.316971); //starting point (LatLng)
LatLng destination = new LatLng(31.474316, 74.316112); // ending point (LatLng)
//zoom/move cam on map ready
MapExtensionKt.moveCameraOnMap(googleMap, 16, true, source);
//draw route on map
//If want to draw route on maps and also required the Estimates else just pass the null as a param for lambda
true, true, 13, TravelMode.DRIVING, null /*deprecated*/,
//call the lambda if you need the estimates
(estimates -> {
//Estimated time of arrival
Log.d("estimatedTimeOfArrival", "withUnit " + estimates.getDuration().getText());
Log.d("estimatedTimeOfArrival", "InMilliSec " + estimates.getDuration().getValue());
//Google suggested path distance
Log.d("GoogleSuggestedDistance", "withUnit " + estimates.getDistance().getText());
Log.d("GoogleSuggestedDistance", "InMilliSec " + estimates.getDistance().getValue());
return null;
For more please refer to the RouteFragment in sample app. Enjoy :)
Screen Shot
Developed By
Malik Dawar - [email protected]