malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin copied to clipboard
scrollbar not updated with width changing.
I'm using scroll bar with aurelia table, I have the problem when page changed in pagination and width changed scroll not updated and the last cell not showed, but height changed scroll updated can you help me?
I'm not quite sure if we are having the same problem, but I faced a similiar problem where the scrollbar would not work anymore, after certain buttons were pressed in an other library (for creating charts and diagrams).
In my case the problem was with the "upd" function. If an image is loaded, the code tries to load the / an image. If an image is found, everything works properly. If no image is found, there is no further update. I'm guessing because some data required for an autoupdate is cleared.
This code worked for me:
/* update on image load */ if(o.advanced.updateOnImageLoad){ if(!(o.advanced.updateOnImageLoad==="auto" && o.axis==="y")){ d.poll.img.n=mCSB_container.find("img").length; if(d.poll.img.n!==d.poll.img.o){ d.poll.img.o=d.poll.img.n; /* remember if an image was found */ var imageFound = false; mCSB_container.find("img").each(function(){ imgLoader(this); imageFound = true; }); /* if no image was found, there would be no update call and hence the clearing of the time out would result in the scrollBar not adjusting or working anymore -> in case of no imaghe, update everything to ensure that the scrollbars are working correctly. */ if (imageFound === false) { doUpd(1); } } } }
Maybe this helps you with your problem.