OK check this URL: Try to tap/click the content (via touch, trackpad etc.) and let me know what the `pointerType` output is. I'm suspecting that in hybrid devices the...
I'm also doing some tests myself on VMs. These values are correct. So when `touch / pointerdown / 108 / undefined` and touch-swiping content, it doesn't scroll at all?
@Djey1301 Hi, Can you edit version 3.1.3 jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js and test the code below? Edit jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js and add the following in a new line after line 1909: ``` if(!mCSB_container.length) return; ```...
The content is draggable via touch. If you mean draggable via mouse, it's not possible (at least not without modifying the script)
Indeed, this is currently a plugin limitation. I can really say when a fix for such situations will be implemented within the script (I'll try for the next versions) as...
If you could send me link with your page I might be able to check/modify the snippet to make it work.
Hello, `mCS_no_scrollbar` class on the element means that the script cannot find any scrollable content. This happens because your `#wrapper` element does not have any kind of height set (which...
The class of the scrollbar container is `mCSB_scrollTools` and it's position is `absolute`, so you can change it like this: `.mCSB_scrollTools{ right: 0; }` If you want to overwrite any...
If you can update your link I'd be able to see what's exactly needed and help more. In any case, scrollbar position is determined via plugin CSS file.
Sure, just give your body element a height value. You can see the [full_page_demo.html](