Alex Maksimov
Alex Maksimov
As I haven't worked with Pelican, I may be wrong, but I think you can insert emojis as Unicode symbols or just copy and paste them. Here's what I've found:...
The fix for this is to use HTML parsing instead of submission API. That would work for problem count, but not for AC/percentage.
Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately my level of competitive programming doesn't cover Sprague-Grundy theorem and the rest of the topic. Maybe some of more skilled programmers can translate that article...
Вы смотрели исходники? Если там есть ограничение, попробуйте его снять/изменить/сделать деление на запросы. Возможно, это ограничение самого ВК.
> > Вы смотрели исходники? Если там есть ограничение, попробуйте его снять/изменить/сделать деление на запросы. Возможно, это ограничение самого ВК. > > Я знаю, что это ограничение вк, я и...
Yeah, that would be an amazing feature.
I'm a Python programmer, not a C# one, so I can't write the code for this project.
Renaming columns was added in last release.
If you want to open and edit .ipynb files, use Hydrogen - this package has active support and allows to execute .ipynb files. The jupyter-notebook package has an error that...
> Folks, why is this still open? First reported 2017 This package is not deprecated but it has no support, so there is no people that can contribute to it.