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Lalo, Node.js based IRC server with WebSockets interface.


Lalo Schifrin

An experimental Node.js IRC server with a WebSocket based interface.

A mashup between IRCd.js and SocketStream.

Backbone.js and Bootstrap for the interface.

Getting Started

Clone and install deps:

    $> npm install
    $> node app.js

This will start an IRC server with the following details: Host: Port: 6667 Password: inhackwetrust SSL: enabled

To try the Web interface point your browser at:

Lalo web client kinda looks like this:

Lalo UI


Since Heroku doesn't support WebSockets or arbitrary ports this won't run there. But works perfectly on DotCloud. Will add some instructions soon.

DotCloud deployment instructions.

  • Create an app using the mongo/node stack

  • Follow the instructions and clone the boilerplate

  • Your DotCloud manifest should look like this:

        type: nodejs
        approot: app
            app: node app.js
            node_version: v0.8.x
            www: http
            irc: tcp
        type: mongodb
  • Deploy with: dotcloud push

Once deployed, you should be able to connect to your app, authenticate with Twitter and join a room.

Reminder: IRC channels are represented by URLs, so if you want to join room #foo, point your browser to http://yourapp/foo

To connect using an IRC client, use the host of your DotCloud app and the IRC port shown in the Environment tab in the DotCloud Dashboard

There's a public Lalo instance running at: (IRC port in the screenshot above)