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Lalo, Node.js based IRC server with WebSockets interface.
An experimental Node.js IRC server with a WebSocket based interface.
A mashup between IRCd.js and SocketStream.
Backbone.js and Bootstrap for the interface.
Getting Started
Clone and install deps:
$> npm install
$> node app.js
This will start an IRC server with the following details: Host: Port: 6667 Password: inhackwetrust SSL: enabled
To try the Web interface point your browser at:
Lalo web client kinda looks like this:
Since Heroku doesn't support WebSockets or arbitrary ports this won't run there. But works perfectly on DotCloud. Will add some instructions soon.
DotCloud deployment instructions.
Create an app using the mongo/node stack
Follow the instructions and clone the boilerplate
Your DotCloud manifest should look like this:
chat: type: nodejs approot: app processes: app: node app.js config: node_version: v0.8.x ports: www: http irc: tcp db: type: mongodb
Deploy with: dotcloud push
Once deployed, you should be able to connect to your app, authenticate with Twitter and join a room.
Reminder: IRC channels are represented by URLs, so if you want to join room #foo, point your browser to http://yourapp/foo
To connect using an IRC client, use the host of your DotCloud app and the IRC port shown in the Environment tab in the DotCloud Dashboard
There's a public Lalo instance running at: (IRC port in the screenshot above)