SwiftDate copied to clipboard
Date locale is fine but Date() provides an offset of 8 hours.
I am trying to have the exact date. When I print this Date().description(with: .current)
it will show in the console this "Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 1:10:12 AM Pacific Standard Time"
but if I print the following:
{abs_date='2019-11-16T09:12:51Z', rep_date='2019-11-16T01:12:51-08:00', region={calendar='gregorian', timezone='America/Los_Angeles', locale='en_US'}
▿ date : 2019-11-16 09:12:51 +0000
- timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate : 595588371.396397
▿ region : {calendar='gregorian', timezone='America/Los_Angeles', locale='en_US'}
▿ calendar : gregorian (current)
- identifier : gregorian
- kind : "current"
▿ locale : Optional<Locale>
▿ some : en_US (current)
- identifier : "en_US"
- kind : "current"
▿ timeZone : America/Los_Angeles (current)
- identifier : "America/Los_Angeles"
- kind : "current"
▿ abbreviation : Optional<String>
- some : "PST"
- secondsFromGMT : -28800
- isDaylightSavingTime : false
- firstWeekday : 1
- minimumDaysInFirstWeek : 1
- customFormatter : nil
The data is correct, except the time, it is 1:13 am right now, not 9:13 am.
Please, what is the step to use the date correctly?
Thank you!
Same question here. What's going on?