inline-fold.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
inline-fold.nvim copied to clipboard

A neovim version of the inline fold plugin


inline-fold.nvim is a Neovim plugin inspired by the vscode plugin inline-fold. It provides a convenient way to define patterns in files that get concealed inline. This can be used for many things for example for CSS classes in HTML files especially with TailwindCSS

Note: It doesn't work for multiline patterns.

Features ✨

  • Toggle folding of the content
  • Replace the folded content with a placeholder for improved readability.
  • Placeholder can be defined by the user per pattern
  • pattern can be easily added

Installation 💻

Use your preferred plugin manager to install inline-fold.nvim.



  opts = {
    defaultPlaceholder = "…",
    queries = {

      -- Some examples you can use
      html = {
        { pattern = 'class="([^"]*)"', placeholder = "@" }, -- classes in html
        { pattern = 'href="(.-)"' }, -- hrefs in html
        { pattern = 'src="(.-)"' }, -- HTML img src attribute


Once installed, the plugin provides the following functionality:


  • InlineFoldToggle: Toggles the folding of the content within CSS class attributes.

Call InlineFoldToggle via autocmd

Add the following snippet to your configurations to call InlineFoldToggle automatically based on filename patterns.

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufEnter', 'BufWinEnter' }, {
  pattern = { '*.html', '*.tsx' },
  callback = function(_)
    if not require('inline-fold.module').isHidden then

Todo List 📝

  • [ ] Check if moving to Treesitter is viable
  • [ ] Create some sub commands for updating and removing conceals
  • [ ] Record showcase


This project is licensed under the MIT License.