Max Ustinov
Max Ustinov fixed my issue 👍
> I faced the same issue ( consent to send refresh) when I tried having multiple threads running together into the same process. I assume that GIL was busy with...
Hi @l50, KSM Integrations are currently exclusive to Keeper's enterprise license and not part of our personal license. With that being said, your feedback is very important to us as...
Is there still a need for this? We are trying to decide if we should do this or not.
Ok one quick question then, should we publish a new one with a slightly different name ( append “.strongName “ for example), or just have one library published that is...
Great information! The original cache function that we have developed was more like an example for the developers to use as a template to develop their own catching mechanism. I'll...
Hi @bzitzow-osh for reporting this issue. the `source` command is a built-in shell command. We are looking into the solution for this.
in the mean time would you tell us your exact use case. What are you trying to achieve in your situation?
@heretic098 right now the payload from the backend returns Shared Folder UID, not title yet. Here is an example code that shows how to get records in the Shared Folders,...
What will happen if you run `pip install -U prompt-toolkit`? That should upgrade the required dependencies.