homebridge-broadlink-heater-cooler copied to clipboard
Homebridge restart loop
When trying to add my AC unit as an accessory, I restart the Homebridge server and get the following error in the logs.
My unit is functional with the AC Freedom app.
[11/17/2020, 1:57:58 PM] Homebridge is running on port 51680.
[11/17/2020, 1:57:59 PM] RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "sourceStart" is out of range. It must be <= 0. Received 4
at _copy (buffer.js:242:11)
at Buffer.copy (buffer.js:769:12)
at Socket.
Hi! Show yours config.json
And what kind of AC do you use?
please, update issue with template
try to update package to latest version and find in HB console message 'loop-fix N'
Updated to 2.2.3 and now have “loop-fix 0” in the console log.
My unit is an AUX WiFi Enabled Mini-split.
Here is my config file.
{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge E9A7", "username": "0E:E4:93:B7:E9:A7", "port": 51680, "pin": "853-15-120" }, "platforms": [ { "name": "Config", "port": 8581, "platform": "config" } ], "accessories": [ { "name": "AC AUX", "mac": "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", "ip": "192.168.X.XXX", "accessory": "AirCondionerAccessory" } ] }
@sam-gabbay probably in new firmware update of AC, developers made changes.
@makleso6 I sent you an email, would you consider updating for the latest firmware?
@sam-gabbay can you try this? https://github.com/liaan/broadlink_ac_mqtt