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Github mirror, for convenience. Here's where it's really at:

PyPI status PyPI version Pipeline status Code style


Elastic & composable scripting.


For details, visit:

Although this is tagged as version 1.0.0, it should not be considered 'production-grade' code. This version is a (well-working) proof-of-concept prototype, and I've used it without problems for the last few months, but it doesn't have (many) tests, and the code is not as well documented as it should be. Also, even though I'm mostly happy with the overall architecture of this version of freckles, there are a few pockets of complexity that I want to get rid of (as much as that will be possible) before I'm entirely happy.

I'm currently re-working the code (and it's dependency libraries), and the plan is for freckles v2 to be the first production-ready version.


Assuming you use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv for development, here's how to setup a 'freckles' development environment manually:

pyenv install 3.7.3
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.3 freckles
git clone
cd <freckles_dir>
pyenv local freckles
pip install -e .[develop,testing,docs]
pre-commit install

Copyright & license

Parity Public License 6.0.0

Please check the LICENSE file in this repository (it's a short license!), also check out the freckles license page for more details.

frkl product ids


  • 0.9:
    • 97de2bf5-0fbb-4884-9d26-488217e1477c
  • 1.x.x:
    • 97de2bf5-0fbb-4884-9d26-488217e1477c

Copyright (c) 2019 frkl OÜ