Making William
Making William
@tbclark3 I had to move my lock to a z-wave stick. I am using the aeotec usb z-stick. Doing this opened up home assistant to all of the information from...
I couldn't get it to install either, I have been using vkorns as of recently. But I have also tried installing the newest version myself using NPM and PM2. My...
@damien67, the broker ip and port you listed are correct. I have HA talking to MQTT, reading sensors and publishing to non smartthings topics. Here are the results of a...
I've been using the MAC address from eth0 on my raspberry pi 3b+. However, since I am running on HassOS now, all dockerized. I'm wondering if I should be...
I solved my problem, posting it back in the other topic as this was more a feature request. I would like to have the newest version of the bridge running...
@adamfeldman I tried your addon, as well as @damien67 and we both had the same result. When you click install the button turns red and nothing is installed. It was...
@damien67 and @adamfeldman, today I pulled them image to raspberry pi 3b+ with the latest on HassOS 1.9 (32-bit edition). I was able to install it correctly, but I'm...
@adamfeldman from what I can tell the issue with the read state suffix is in the template.yml file. The following line... ```state_suffix: {{state_suffix}}``` should read... ```state_read_suffix: {{state_suffix}}``` I made a...
I was able to get everything working properly finally, and I am slapping myself in the face now and then as to why I've had so many problems with the...
If anyone is interested, I have a fully working Add-on for the SmartThings MQTT Bridge by StJohnJohnson. The add-on successfully installs based on the architecture of your machine, per the...