SCGAN icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SCGAN copied to clipboard

my modification to reproduce result

Open hustliujian opened this issue 3 years ago • 11 comments

I found there are two problems in this code.

First, the vgg loss relation is wrong: in file models/, in line 291, vgg_s should apply to nonmakeup; in line 297, vgg_r should apply to makeup, otherwise the result will be furry like

Second, vgg19 module's weight in PartStyleEncoder will be overwritten by code in models/ line 63, so maybe you can load it's weight in line 64.

After these modification, the result is still not right, and the gradient in PartStyleEncoder and MLP is very small (Hong-Bo tells me).

Finally I use the pretrained weight provided by the author only in these two modules, and train FaceEncoder and MakeupFuseDecoder, the result is right.

But it's not ideal, waitting for better guidance.

hustliujian avatar Aug 23 '21 14:08 hustliujian

Can you please upload the modified codes in your repo ?

semi-supervised-paper avatar Aug 24 '21 10:08 semi-supervised-paper

Can you please upload the modified codes in your repo ?

I did it in company, it's not convient to upload code.

hustliujian avatar Aug 26 '21 06:08 hustliujian

Thank you for the correction, I was busy with other work recently, I'm really sorry. I do not quite understand what you mean about your second question , can you be more specific?

makeuptransfer avatar Sep 01 '21 06:09 makeuptransfer

vgg19's weight was first load in init, then self.SCGen was initialized by line 63, so it will be overwritten.

hustliujian avatar Sep 01 '21 14:09 hustliujian

vgg19's weight was first load in init, then self.SCGen was initialized by line 63, so it will be overwritten.

Same results as yours. The differences are not only you mentioned above, I also found the makeup loss in this repo used L1Loss but L2Loss in paper. And In code, vgg19 exists in two places: SCGen and SCGAN, it confused me a long time, do they should be two or the same?

First work with GAN network,any suggestion will be appreciated.

2h4dl avatar Oct 08 '21 03:10 2h4dl

I find that index of eye,lips and face is wrong, the correct index is 7,9 lips,1,6,13 face, 4,5 eyes, and this is the scdataset which I rewrite it should be correct, you can refer.

import os.path
import torchvision.transforms as transforms

from PIL import Image
import PIL
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable

def ToTensor(pic):
    # handle PIL Image
    if pic.mode == 'I':
        img = torch.from_numpy(np.array(pic, np.int32, copy=False))
    elif pic.mode == 'I;16':
        img = torch.from_numpy(np.array(pic, np.int16, copy=False))
        img = torch.ByteTensor(torch.ByteStorage.from_buffer(pic.tobytes()))
    # PIL image mode: 1, L, P, I, F, RGB, YCbCr, RGBA, CMYK
    if pic.mode == 'YCbCr':
        nchannel = 3
    elif pic.mode == 'I;16':
        nchannel = 1
        nchannel = len(pic.mode)
    img = img.view(pic.size[1], pic.size[0], nchannel)
    # put it from HWC to CHW format
    # yikes, this transpose takes 80% of the loading time/CPU
    img = img.transpose(0, 1).transpose(0, 2).contiguous()
    if isinstance(img, torch.ByteTensor):
        return img.float()
        return img

class SCDataset():
    def __init__(self, opt):
        self.random = None
        self.opt = opt
        self.root = opt.dataroot
        self.dir_makeup = opt.dataroot
        self.dir_nonmakeup = opt.dataroot
        self.dir_seg = opt.dirmap  # parsing maps
        self.n_componets = opt.n_componets
        self.makeup_names = []
        self.non_makeup_names = []
        if self.phase == 'train':
            self.makeup_names = [name.strip() for name in
                                 open(os.path.join('MT-Dataset', 'makeup.txt'), "rt").readlines()]
            self.non_makeup_names = [name.strip() for name in
                                     open(os.path.join('MT-Dataset', 'non-makeup.txt'), "rt").readlines()]
        if self.phase == 'test':
            with open("test.txt", 'r') as f:
                for line in f.readlines():
                    non_makeup_name, make_upname = line.strip().split()
        self.transform = transforms.Compose([
            transforms.Resize((opt.img_size, opt.img_size)),
            transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])])
        self.transform_mask = transforms.Compose([
            transforms.Resize((opt.img_size, opt.img_size), interpolation=PIL.Image.NEAREST),

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.phase == 'test':
            makeup_name = self.makeup_names[index]
            nonmakeup_name = self.non_makeup_names[index]
        if self.phase == 'train':
            index = self.pick()
            makeup_name = self.makeup_names[index[0]]
            nonmakeup_name = self.non_makeup_names[index[1]]
        # self.f.write(nonmakeup_name+' '+makeup_name+'\n')
        # self.f.flush()
        nonmakeup_path = os.path.join(self.dir_nonmakeup, nonmakeup_name)

        makeup_path = os.path.join(self.dir_makeup, makeup_name)

        makeup_img ='RGB')
        nonmakeup_img ='RGB')

        makeup_seg_img =, makeup_name))
        nonmakeup_seg_img =, nonmakeup_name))
        # makeup_img = makeup_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
        # makeup_seg_img = makeup_seg_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
        # nonmakeup_img=nonmakeup_img.rotate(40)
        # nonmakeup_seg_img=nonmakeup_seg_img.rotate(40)
        # makeup_img=makeup_img.rotate(90)
        # makeup_seg_img=makeup_seg_img.rotate(90)
        makeup_img = self.transform(makeup_img)
        nonmakeup_img = self.transform(nonmakeup_img)
        mask_B = self.transform_mask(makeup_seg_img)  # makeup
        mask_A = self.transform_mask(nonmakeup_seg_img)  # nonmakeup
        makeup_seg = torch.zeros([self.n_componets, 256, 256], dtype=torch.float)
        nonmakeup_seg = torch.zeros([self.n_componets, 256, 256], dtype=torch.float)
        makeup_unchanged = (mask_B == 0).float() + (mask_B == 2).float() + (mask_B==3) + (mask_B==8) + \
        (mask_B==10) + (mask_B==11) + (mask_B==12)
        nonmakeup_unchanged = (mask_A == 0).float() + (mask_A == 2).float() + (mask_A==3) + (mask_A==8) + \
        (mask_A==10) + (mask_A==11) + (mask_A==12)
        #7上嘴唇 9下嘴唇
        mask_A_lip = (mask_A == 9).float() + (mask_A == 7).float()
        mask_B_lip = (mask_B == 9).float() + (mask_B == 7).float()
        mask_A_lip, mask_B_lip, index_A_lip, index_B_lip = self.mask_preprocess(mask_A_lip, mask_B_lip)
        makeup_seg[0] = mask_B_lip
        nonmakeup_seg[0] = mask_A_lip
        mask_A_skin = (mask_A == 1).float() + (mask_A == 6).float() + (mask_A == 13).float()
        mask_B_skin = (mask_B == 1).float() + (mask_B == 6).float() + (mask_B == 13).float()
        mask_A_skin, mask_B_skin, index_A_skin, index_B_skin = self.mask_preprocess(mask_A_skin, mask_B_skin)
        makeup_seg[1] = mask_B_skin
        nonmakeup_seg[1] = mask_A_skin
        #4左眼 5右眼
        mask_A_eye_left = (mask_A == 4).float()
        mask_A_eye_right = (mask_A == 5).float()
        mask_B_eye_left = (mask_B == 4).float()
        mask_B_eye_right = (mask_B == 5).float()
        mask_A_face = (mask_A == 1).float() + (mask_A == 6).float()
        mask_B_face = (mask_B == 1).float() + (mask_B == 6).float()
        # avoid the es of ref are closed
        if not ((mask_B_eye_left > 0).any() and \
                (mask_B_eye_right > 0).any()):
            return {}
        mask_A_eye_left, mask_A_eye_right = self.rebound_box(mask_A_eye_left, mask_A_eye_right, mask_A_face)
        mask_B_eye_left, mask_B_eye_right = self.rebound_box(mask_B_eye_left, mask_B_eye_right, mask_B_face)
        mask_A_eye_left, mask_B_eye_left, index_A_eye_left, index_B_eye_left = \
            self.mask_preprocess(mask_A_eye_left, mask_B_eye_left)
        mask_A_eye_right, mask_B_eye_right, index_A_eye_right, index_B_eye_right = \
            self.mask_preprocess(mask_A_eye_right, mask_B_eye_right)
        makeup_seg[2] = mask_B_eye_left + mask_B_eye_right
        nonmakeup_seg[2] = mask_A_eye_left + mask_A_eye_right

        mask_A = {}
        mask_A["mask_A_eye_left"] = mask_A_eye_left
        mask_A["mask_A_eye_right"] = mask_A_eye_right
        mask_A["index_A_eye_left"] = index_A_eye_left
        mask_A["index_A_eye_right"] = index_A_eye_right
        mask_A["mask_A_skin"] = mask_A_skin
        mask_A["index_A_skin"] = index_A_skin
        mask_A["mask_A_lip"] = mask_A_lip
        mask_A["index_A_lip"] = index_A_lip

        mask_B = {}
        mask_B["mask_B_eye_left"] = mask_B_eye_left
        mask_B["mask_B_eye_right"] = mask_B_eye_right
        mask_B["index_B_eye_left"] = index_B_eye_left
        mask_B["index_B_eye_right"] = index_B_eye_right
        mask_B["mask_B_skin"] = mask_B_skin
        mask_B["index_B_skin"] = index_B_skin
        mask_B["mask_B_lip"] = mask_B_lip
        mask_B["index_B_lip"] = index_B_lip
        return {'nonmakeup_seg': nonmakeup_seg, 'makeup_seg': makeup_seg, 'nonmakeup_img': nonmakeup_img,
                'makeup_img': makeup_img,
                'mask_A': mask_A, 'mask_B': mask_B,
                'makeup_unchanged': makeup_unchanged,
                'nonmakeup_unchanged': nonmakeup_unchanged

    def pick(self):
        if self.random is None:
            self.random = np.random.RandomState(np.random.seed())
        a_index = self.random.randint(0, len(self.makeup_names))
        another_index = self.random.randint(0, len(self.non_makeup_names))
        return [a_index, another_index]

    def __len__(self):
        if self.opt.phase == 'train':
            return len(self.non_makeup_names)
        elif self.opt.phase == 'test':
            return len(self.makeup_names)

    def name(self):
        return 'SCDataset'

    def rebound_box(self, mask_A, mask_B, mask_A_face):
        mask_A = mask_A.unsqueeze(0)
        mask_B = mask_B.unsqueeze(0)
        mask_A_face = mask_A_face.unsqueeze(0)

        index_tmp = torch.nonzero(mask_A, as_tuple=False)
        x_A_index = index_tmp[:, 2]
        y_A_index = index_tmp[:, 3]
        index_tmp = torch.nonzero(mask_B, as_tuple=False)
        x_B_index = index_tmp[:, 2]
        y_B_index = index_tmp[:, 3]
        mask_A_temp = mask_A.copy_(mask_A)
        mask_B_temp = mask_B.copy_(mask_B)
        mask_A_temp[:, :, min(x_A_index) - 5:max(x_A_index) + 6, min(y_A_index) - 5:max(y_A_index) + 6] = \
            mask_A_face[:, :, min(x_A_index) - 5:max(x_A_index) + 6, min(y_A_index) - 5:max(y_A_index) + 6]
        mask_B_temp[:, :, min(x_B_index) - 5:max(x_B_index) + 6, min(y_B_index) - 5:max(y_B_index) + 6] = \
            mask_A_face[:, :, min(x_B_index) - 5:max(x_B_index) + 6, min(y_B_index) - 5:max(y_B_index) + 6]
        # mask_A_temp = self.to_var(mask_A_temp, requires_grad=False)
        # mask_B_temp = self.to_var(mask_B_temp, requires_grad=False)
        mask_A_temp = mask_A_temp.squeeze(0)
        mask_A = mask_A.squeeze(0)
        mask_B = mask_B.squeeze(0)
        mask_A_face = mask_A_face.squeeze(0)
        mask_B_temp = mask_B_temp.squeeze(0)

        return mask_A_temp, mask_B_temp

    def mask_preprocess(self, mask_A, mask_B):
        mask_A = mask_A.unsqueeze(0)
        mask_B = mask_B.unsqueeze(0)
        index_tmp = torch.nonzero(mask_A, as_tuple=False)
        x_A_index = index_tmp[:, 2]

        y_A_index = index_tmp[:, 3]
        index_tmp = torch.nonzero(mask_B, as_tuple=False)
        x_B_index = index_tmp[:, 2]
        y_B_index = index_tmp[:, 3]
        # mask_A = self.to_var(mask_A, requires_grad=False)
        # mask_B = self.to_var(mask_B, requires_grad=False)
        index = [x_A_index, y_A_index, x_B_index, y_B_index]
        index_2 = [x_B_index, y_B_index, x_A_index, y_A_index]
        mask_A = mask_A.squeeze(0)
        mask_B = mask_B.squeeze(0)
        return mask_A, mask_B, index, index_2

    def to_var(self, x, requires_grad=True):
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            x = x.cuda()
        if not requires_grad:
            return Variable(x, requires_grad=requires_grad)
            return Variable(x)

class SCDataLoader():
    def __init__(self, opt):
        self.dataset = SCDataset(opt)
        print("Dataset loaded")
        self.dataloader =
            shuffle=not opt.serial_batches,

    def name(self):
        return 'SCDataLoader'

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.dataset)

    def __iter__(self):
        for i, data in enumerate(self.dataloader):
            yield data

jajajajaja121 avatar Nov 12 '21 03:11 jajajajaja121

I have reproduced this result.

jajajajaja121 avatar Nov 13 '21 04:11 jajajajaja121

I have reproduced this result.

My reproduced model can't process the eyebrow correctly when one face has a thick eyedrows and the other has a thin one. How it looks like with your reproduced model.

2h4dl avatar Nov 15 '21 09:11 2h4dl

Thank you for pointing out these two problems.I found another problem that may cause the model to perform poorly.In, line 125

    # mask_A_eye_left, mask_A_eye_right = self.rebound_box(mask_A_eye_left, mask_A_eye_right, mask_A_face)

You better uncomment this line,and delete a few pictures from nonmakeup(no eyes)

Jamiescout avatar Dec 03 '21 03:12 Jamiescout

I have reproduced this result.

partial Hi @jajajajaja121 I do Part-specific Interpolation using, but the result I got above seems not right. (in the first row, I expected only lip color be change, but the skin color also be changed). Could you give me a hint?

Thank you very much!!

haile-vnu avatar Jan 03 '22 08:01 haile-vnu

I have reproduced this result. hello, is your result a retrained model or an author's model?

BUPThua1 avatar Sep 16 '22 07:09 BUPThua1