non-planar-layer-fdm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
non-planar-layer-fdm copied to clipboard

Slic3r Post-Processing Script For Non-Planar Layer FDM (Perl)

Warps boring, planar G-code from Slic3r (or any other slicer) into wavy shapes. This repository accompanies the corresponding Hackaday article.


  • wavyness-ramps, -in and -out points
  • extrusion compensation
  • fully configurable through start- and end-gcode, no script modifications required
  • configurable displacement
  • custom displacement function through Perl expression

Printing parameters and default values

  • set via ; some_parameter = 2 in start or end G-code (or anywhere else)
  • available via $parameters{"some_parameter"} in the script
  • script parameters:
    • ; wave_amplitude = 2.0 [mm] the maximum amplitude of the wavyness
    • ; wave_length = 20.0 [mm] the wave length in xy direction of the waves
    • ; wave_length_2 = 200.0 [mm] an additional wave length parameter, currently only used for testing the wing function
    • ; wave_in = 0.4 [mm] the z-position where it starts getting wavy, should be somewhere above the first layer
    • ; wave_out = 30.0[mm] the z-position where it stops beeing wavy
    • ; wave_ramp = 10.0 [mm] the length of the transition between not wavy at all and maximum wavyness
    • ; wave_max_segment_length = 1.0 # [mm] max. length of the wave segments, smaller values give a better approximation
    • ; wave_digits = 4 [1] accuracy of output G-code
    • ; wave_function = wave [String/Perl] wave function, can be "wave", "wing", or any Perl expression (i.e. abs($x-$paramters{"bed_center_x"})), which may make use of $x or $parameters{"bed_center_x"} as well as any other user defined parameter

How to use

  • Have Perl installed and path variables set (Windows users: Strawberry Perl, Linux and OSX: you already have Perl)
  • Make sure the Math:Round module is installed (Linux and OSX cpan Math::Round / Windows either Start Menu -> All Apps -> Strawberry Perl -> CPAN Client or ppm install Math:Round). If you happen to use Active Perl, you'll probably need a Business License for this module.
  • Set Slic3r -> Preferences -> Mode to Expert
  • Add ; start of print to the beginning of your G-code (ideally at the end of your start G-code)
  • Add ; end of print to the end of your G-code (ideally at the beginning of your end G-code)
  • Add parameters (see above) to your start G-code as desired
  • Add absolute path to the script in Slic3r -> Print Settings -> Output options -> Post-processing scripts (no /~ allowed)
  • Make sure Slic3r -> Printer Settings -> General -> Advanced -> Use relative E distances is checked
  • Make sure to UNCHECK Slic3r -> Print Settings -> Layers and perimeters -> Vertical shells -> Spiral vase.
  • Make sure all XYZ moves between ; start of print and ; end of print are in absolute mode
  • Optional: Check Slic3r -> Print Settings -> Output options -> Output file -> Verbose G-code
  • Make sure the script file is executable by chmod 755
  • Slice (& Warp)!


The example folder contains additional examples with instructions. Here are a few impressions:

Curved surfaces

wavy cube wavy cube side

Structured surfaces

structured cube structured cube side

Gradually displaced cube

flat cube flat cube side


wing wing2



  • Strength
    • The wave displacement transforms tensile forces (=weakness of FDM) between printed layers into shearing forces (=strength of FDM)
    • More uniform resistance of tensile stress due to varying layer orientation
  • Smooth, curved surfaces, i.e. for
    • aerodynamic applications (i.e. models of aircrafts, cars)
    • ergonomic or haptic elements (i.e. buttons, keypads)
  • Structured surfaces (see Examples)
    • haptic elements
  • Design & aesthetics
  • Artistic purposes
  • Fun

Doesn't this mess up my parts?

  • Yes, totally. If you want straight parts afterwards you need to pre-warp them.
  • I'm currently experimenting with ImplicitCAD for pre-warped parts.
  • A pre-warping script is in the works.

Why u no use CPAN modules, i.e. Gcode::Interpreter

  • They're just not made for this kind of experiments.


Why doesn't it work

  • Are you running Windows 8.1 and might be experiencing a Slic3r bug?
  • Are you using the Slic3r -> Print Settings -> Layers and perimeters -> Vertical shells -> Spiral vase? This option is currently incompatible with the script.
  • Did you check Slic3r -> Printer Settings -> General -> Advanced -> Use relative E distances?
  • Did you make sure the script file is executable by chmod 755

Disclaimer / License

This is a work in progress. Any suggestions are heavily welcome. All scripts in this repository are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3. Created by Moritz Walter 2016.