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MKS Robin and BLTouch
Wouldnt surprise me if they were working on their own version of the blt, but using a slightly different control sig to lock people into their ecosystem. Like Apple or something 3:)
It doesnt take a genius to know that if they were to release enough info for us to get an open source fw running on it, they would sell a ton more of them, and have a better brand rep. I cant see much, if any, upside to locking people out of the opensource fw it is based on. Whoever made that decision should prob go get their head checked =)
Still no solution?
Current version of Marlin2 from the main branch will do it. I have been playing with Robin Nano, but a lil buggy it seems. Not sure if Marlin, the board, the blt, or me though =D
So white and black go Zmin as usual. But where other 3 wires go to? The problem that I just got Creative3D Elf corexy and just like new Sapphire Pro corexy it does come with Robin Nano, what a surprise =D Elf comes with auto level using both Z axis, so there's no way to use BL at all without disabling their autolevel. Brilliant board choice to say the least. But it is what it is. For me BLTouch is far more important because I dont use glass bed. But need to figure out how to wire it correctly.
No. The z- sig pin and e1 stp pin are capable of running the pwm needed for the servo (z- prob need work though)
You would change z+ to z - and put the black and white there. It is easier to use the e1 stp for the servo if you dont have a driver in that one.
Thanks a lot, hopefully I will receive in in a week and can try this. For some reason manufacturer said that i wont be able to use BLTouch because they already occupy 2 Zprobe slots.
Finaly, I did it today. Bltouch is working with Mks Robin V1.4.
i have mks robin v2.4 (stm32f103zet6) control board. I want to connect BLTouch to this card, can you help me? Where should I connect the BLTouch servo cable?