MKS-Robin-Nano-V3.X copied to clipboard
Can't Get New Board To Work
I recently bought this board to upgrade from Ender 3 but am unable to get it working properly. I have a CR touch and re-wired it to fit the pins on the board but that is not the issue.
The issue I have is it will not auto home correctly. I am able to move each axis indepently but am unable to get it to home. When I use the Auto Home function it tries to go too far to the right on the x-axis and ends up jamming the motor, potentially damaging it.
How do I make this work correctly? I haven't been able to print anything a at least 3-4 days now,.... please help.
I forgot to add the I did flashed the most current firmware version from Github without any issues and I also followed the directions on the video to enable the CR touch. I have tried both version of the firmware now and neither homes or auto-levels correctly...