MKS-Robin-Nano-V1.X copied to clipboard
Robin TFT24/28/32/35/43 screen drivers
So i am gonna convert my Neptune 2 to Klipper and it would be nice to use the factory TFT screen with Octoprint as Klipper currently does not support touch screens. I will need to wire up the factory screen (Robin TFT24/28/32/35/43 screen) directly to my pi and install the drivers to get it to work with a plugin like octoscreen. Soooo I am looking for drivers and a pinout of the screen its self. Do any such drivers exist or are there generic drivers that might work with for this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Hey @aSocialMenace ,that is a very good idea, however, drive will need to be written from scratch, for what I saw, all TFT are based on FSMC, I haven't seen any drive or dst for this kind of device, only SPI,
Been working on try to get TS35 working with PI, (so far got the TFT but not touch)
@aSocialMenace I will organize it and share it.
@willngton Your work looks great. How likely is it to work with Klipper firmware?
@aSocialMenace I will organize it and share it.
@willngton Your work looks great. How likely is it to work with Klipper firmware?
I am on the initial testes, from now using an pre-build pi overlay, tinylcd35 dtoverlay=tinylcd35,rotate=270,speed=48000000,touch,touchgpio=23
Worked right way, I just need to figure out how to calibrate the screen, touch is a bit out place.
@willngton I know this is many years later, but I also have a Two Trees SP-3 that I am trying to get Klipper going on the screen. Do you have any instructions on how to build the firmware to work with MKS Robin TFT35?
Hey, not really, there is a video on YouTube where a guy did a pcb board to make it work.. I've never tried