Andrew Davis
Andrew Davis
I'm in the exact same boat as you @ChaosBlades I've got an Nvidia system, Farcry 5 works no problem, Farcry 4 refuses to launch.
Thanks for the quick reply, I did that originally, but it wasn't obvious to me how to switch a guile based example to a python one ________________________________ From: Matt Keeter...
I get the same error on Linux, FC36 with Clang-14.0.0, I haven't confirmed yet, but im thinking some flag in one of the included CMake files is the issue.
If you remove `Wextra` and `Wall` from ``` SET(BASE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -Werror -g3 -fPIC -fopenmp") ``` In the `CMakeLists.txt` file, you should be able to progress compilation. I also change the...
It would be interesting to know if this works when you turn off threading
I'm v. excited to give this a go @jtramm
I thought one had to do it through transport, else you are missing the various group weighting factors from where the flux is in a given group and for self...
We already have two ways of doing this, I wonder if either would meet your need? One is to use iso surfaces to clip (embed) fields, e.g. temperature, density and...
With respect to the floats, you're always going to have to hand off a floating point number to OCC eventually, you're just delaying the inevitable, but it would be good...
Not a hack, but if you do it here, you should it for any geometric operation and consider introducing a tolerance.