JThumbnail icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
JThumbnail copied to clipboard

A thumbnail generation Java library for Office,PDF,HTML,Text,MP3,MPEG and Image documents


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JThumbnail is a Java library for creating Thumbnails of common types of file including .doc, .docx, .pdf , .mp4 etc. full list

  • Project is under development!
  • Check the v1 branch for Java 8 compatible version.
  • Check the dev/** branches for latest commits on different under development version.
  • Check the release/** branches for stable release versions
  • master branch will always point to the latest available release version

Project Source: https://github.com/makbn/JThumbnail

How to use

String[] args = new String[]{};

JThumbnailer jThumbnailer = JThumbnailerStarter.init(args);

File in = new File("/inputFile.docx");

ThumbnailCandidate candidate = new ThumbnailCandidate(in,"unique_code");

jThumbnailer.run(candidate, new ThumbnailListener() {
     public void onThumbnailReady(String hash, File thumbnail) {
        Files.copy(thumbnail.toPath(), Path.of("my_thumbnail_folder", thumbnail.getName()), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

     public void onThumbnailFailed(String hash, String message, int code) {
        // handle the situation

// close thumbnailer

Configuration Args

Configuration Args Description
jthumbnailer.name Application name, e.g. Java Thumbnail Generator
jthumbnailer.openoffice.port Ports used by OpenOffice for document conversion
jthumbnailer.openoffice.timeout Timeout for OpenOffice document conversion tasks
jthumbnailer.openoffice.max_tasks_per_process Maximum number of conversion tasks allowed per OpenOffice process
jthumbnailer.openoffice.dir Directory path to the OpenOffice installation
jthumbnailer.openoffice.tmp Directory path for temporary files generated and used by OpenOffice
jthumbnailer.thumb_width Width of generated thumbnails
jthumbnailer.thumb_height Height of generated thumbnails
jthumbnailer.async.core_pool_size Core pool size for the asynchronous processing tasks
jthumbnailer.async.max_pool_size Maximum pool size for the asynchronous processing tasks
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size Maximum allowed file size for multipart file uploads
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size Maximum allowed request size for multipart file uploads
server.port Port on which the application will be hosted
Spring Doc
springdoc.api-docs.path Path for accessing the API documentation in JSON format
springdoc.swagger-ui.path Path for accessing the Swagger UI for interactive API documentation
  • All parameters can be passed through the environment variables. To pass a param as environment variable you need to remove the dots and make the first characters upper case. For example, jthumbnailer.openoffice.dir should be JthumbnailerOpenofficeDir.


  • Java JRE 17
  • OpenOffice 4.x or LibreOffice 7.x

Supported File Formats

  • Office files (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx)
    • There is a problem with most xlsx files
  • OpenOffice files (all of them)
  • Text files (txt, pdf, rtf, html)
  • Image files (jpg, png, bmp, gif)
  • AutoCad files (dwg)
  • MP3 files (user album-art as thumbnail)
  • MPEG files (generate gif file)

Adding Repository


Step 1. Add the dependency to the pom file:



Step 1. Add the dependency to the build.gradle file:

compile "io.github.makbn:jthumbnail:2.1.0"


  • [x] Update all dependencies from jar to maven
  • [x] update project old and deprecated dependencies
  • [x] Change the structure of project
  • [x] Add new Configuration method to config OpenOffice dir and port
  • [x] Add Async multi-thread support
  • [x] replace Thumbnailers for Microsoft Office documents with e-iceblue
  • [x] Fix problem with xlsx files
  • [x] Improve code quality
  • [x] Improve current Exception handling system
  • [ ] Fix problem with Java 1.8 (current version is 17)
  • [ ] Fixing issue with running test with the GitHub action

Original project

JThumbnail is based on an old project of the university of Siegen for the benefit of come_IN Computerclubs. and thanks a lot to @benjaminpick