YOLO_ResNet copied to clipboard
Implementing YOLO using ResNet as the feature extraction network
I would like to know what is the error here while training model_continue_train.py?
Updated the way to import _obtain_input_shape for Keras 2.2.0+ Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49113140/importerror-cannot-import-name-obtain-input-shape-from-keras
I have used the weights in the google drive. It is not working for other images apart from those given in the github. Could you let me if I need...
Very soon after we start the training, the accuracy goes to 0. Why is that ? Epoch 1/15 115/115 [==============================] - 696s 6s/step - loss: 12.9728 - **acc: 0.0094 -...
Hi makatx, Thank you for your repository, it has helped me greatly in understanding the core objectives of YOLO. I am struggling to modify your code to train on 6...
Salam, Did you think of calculating the mAP and the IoU of your model so that you can compare it to other existing models (and I can use it) ?...
I already download the dataset ,but I don't know how to train this code ,can I just use the model_continue_train to train the data? And I have another question ,if...