requirejs-nodewebkit-template-project icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
requirejs-nodewebkit-template-project copied to clipboard

A template project for building node-webkit apps in require.js style.


A template project for building node-webkit apps in require.js style. Provides complete integration for testing, building and releasing apps.

The goal of this project is to provide an entry point for developing your own apps with requirejs and node-webkit.

Extracted from physiogame.


  • example app, includes libs lodash, loglevel and polljs (shim test).
  • folder structure and base files
  • requirejs configs for building, testing and development
  • grunt tasks

Directory layout

assets all your assets, will be copied automatically to build with grunt task

build (created via grunt build task) the optimized build app

build-templates files that are used during the grunt build task

node_modules (npm) 3rd party libs

release (created via grunt release task) binary app for win/mac/linux

scripts startup scripts for requirejs, r.js build config and testrunner

src/integration YOUR app integration tests

src/libs YOUR app source files

src/spec YOUR app spec tests

src/vendor (bower) 3rd party libs

Important files

app.css: your main css file, will be minified into build/app.min.css

app.js and build-templates/app.js: development startup script and productive startup script, productive will be minified into build/app.min.js

bower.json: dependencies from bower package repository (will be installed into src/vendor/)

Gruntfile.js: all grunt build and release tasks

index.html and build-templates/index.html: main html file with app.js or app.min.js in body

package.json: dependencies from npm package repository (will be installed into node_modules)

testrunner.html: main file to start spec and integration tests (phantomjs compatible)

scripts/build-almond.js: r.js build file (uses almond, smaller footprint, better compatibility with node-webkit)

scripts/build-requirejs.js: r.js build file (uses requirejs, might cause problems with globale require of node-webkit and requirejs)

scripts/main.js: main requirejs config of application and start entry point

scripts/testrunner.js: main testrunner js file, starts a test cycle


  • node.js and npm must be installed!
  • bower should be installed globally via npm!
  • (testing only) download phantomjs bin and make it available in your PATH environment variable.


`git clone`

cd requirejs-nodewebkit-template-project

npm install -d

bower update

Fire up your http-server in project root, e.g. simple http-server for node is straightforward: npm install http-server -g.

http-server -c-1

Go to localhost:8080 and enjoy


`grunt build`

The grunt task grunt build takes care of all js/css minifying and assets/templates copying to the folder build.

Fire up your http-server in project root, e.g. simple http-server for node is straightforward: npm install http-server -g.

http-server -c-1

Go to localhost:8080/build and enjoy


`grunt release`

Builds apps for win/mac/linux to the folder release.

That's it! Easy huh?!


needs phantomjs bin in PATH environment variable!

grunt or

grunt watch for continuous testing

Copyright and Licenses

MIT license

See for further information

(c) 2013 Mario Ranftl (majodev).