Michał Pawlik
Michał Pawlik
Hi @Fristi I'm glad you found sttp-oauth2 useful! To my best knowledge @zstoychev and his team are the current maintainers of the library. I reached out to the team to...
I agree with @Fristi, having automated updates + releases is a value on it's own. The project could be marked as contribution-first. Let's hear from current maintainers first.
Thanks, @zstoychev! Due to the limited capacity @adamw mentioned on their side, we can transfer the project to https://github.com/polyvariant/ where we can provide low-effort maintenance. This makes sense, considering I...
If we are to maintain the project (with the help of others in Polyvariant), it would be best to do it within our own organization. We are not affiliated with...
> was hoping to bring more people together We are very open to contributions!
@Fristi I discussed that with Zdravko and I'll be doing the transfer. I want to put up a migration plan today. If all goes well we should finish migration+housekeeping this...
The transfer plan is ready https://github.com/ocadotechnology/sttp-oauth2/issues/477. Looking forward for your input before I proceed. I think we can close this issue and continue there