hello,i want to insult you about gripper model in graspit based on ubuntu16.04 not ros. Could you tell me how to build its model's xml file because i want to...
hello,i want to insult you about gripper model in graspit based on ubuntu16.04 not ros. Could you tell me how to build its model's xml file because i want to...
sorry to bother you, i have seen your robot description files, i really want to know how you build these files,such as eigen, iv,and robotiq_2f_85.xml.
Hi ! have you settled it ? also I have a gripper similar to you .Right now i just have the stl file. Could you help me obtain the robot...
hello,i want to insult you about gripper model in graspit based on ubuntu16.04 not ros. Could you tell me how to build its model's xml file because i want to...
你好,我的那个手爪跟你的很像,目前想要在graspit里面做仿真,但是存在平行四边形结构,如何生成robot.xml文件呀,求指教! 可不可以发一下你的robot描述文件呢?谢谢啦!