Majid Bigdeli

Results 26 comments of Majid Bigdeli

Yes, the explanation is complicated, and my explanation was bad. How to check that the connection is open?

Of course, I have not seen any problems so far. I just want to re connect if the connection was interrupted. Without refresh page.

@kataras yes I Talk about automatic reconnection. please see my code . ``` async function runServer() { try { var wsURL = 'wss://'; const conn = await neffos.dial(wsURL, { default:...

@kataras thank you . You're so good . @kataras I really owe you Because the projects of iris and neffos have helped me a lot. And when I have a...

@kataras I have another question. How to send event to a tab from several tabs opened by the user? For example, check if the user is connected to the server...

hello @kataras When I disconnect and reconnect the network, I get error. `neffos.min.js?v980406:1 Fetch API cannot load wss:// URL scheme must be "http" or "https" for CORS request.` ![image](

@kataras I am Sorry. Sorry . I did not know it is a client or server problem.

@kataras I get another issue I get `neffos.min.js?v980406:1 HEAD net::ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED` in disconnect network and when I re connect network i get `Access to fetch at '' from origin ''...

thanks a lot @kataras I fix issue with add cors in server side ``` serveMux := http.NewServeMux() serveMux.Handle("/echo", server) th := http.HandlerFunc(timeHandler) broadcast := http.HandlerFunc(broadcastHandler) serveMux.Handle("/time", th) serveMux.Handle("/broadcast",broadcast) handler :=...