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About the SR data
Could you please explain how to prepare the datasets for SR? I found you use h5py and the input channel for RCAN is 1 channel but not rgb images
For the h5f you can check the code from our other project here https://github.com/IVRL/w2s/blob/master/code/generate_h5f.ipynb
The code below should help you out for the data preparation, of course you first need to download the DIV2K dataset (or if you are using a different one then modify the imglist
definition below).
import cv2
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
# <use the same HDF5Store class as the one in the IVRL/W2S project>
# parameters for H5 file
patch_size = 64
channel = 3
h5_file = './dataset/cnn_kh.h5'
if os.path.isfile(h5_file):
patch_shape = (patch_size, patch_size, channel)
hdf5_hr = HDF5Store(datapath=h5_file, dataset='hr', shape=patch_shape)
# get HR images
imglist = glob.glob('./dataset/DIV2K_train_HR/*.png')
num_patches = 0
for img in imglist:
origin_img = cv2.imread(img)
i = 0
(h, w, _) = np.shape(origin_img)
while ((i + patch_size < h)):
j = 0
while(j + patch_size < w):
patch = origin_img[i:i+patch_size, j:j+patch_size, :]
j = j + stride
num_patches = num_patches + 1
if (num_patches % 50000 == 0):
print('%d patches generated' %(num_patches))
i = i + stride
print('%d patches generated in %s'%(num_patches, h5_file))