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Postgres protocol support for finagle

finagle-postgres Build Status

Postgres database support for finagle.

Using postgres client

Adding dependencies





resolvers += "com.github.mairbek" at ""

"com.github.mairbek" % "finagle-postgres" % "0.0.2"

Connecting to the DB

val client = Client(host, username, password, database)

Selecting with simple query

val f ="select * from users") {row =>
	User(row.getString("email"), row.getString("name"))
logger.debug("Responded " + f.get)

Selecting with prepared statement

val f = for {
	prep <- client.prepare("select * from users where email=$1 and name=$2")
	users <-"[email protected]", "Mickey Mouse") {
		row => User(row.getString("email"), row.getString("name"))
} yield users
logger.debug("Responded " + f.get)

Inserting with prepared statement

val f = for {
	prep <- client.prepare("insert into users(email, name) values ($1, $2)")
	one <- prep.exec("Daisy Duck", "[email protected]")
	two <- prep.exec("Minnie Mouse", "[email protected]")
} yield one.affectedRows + two.affectedRows

logger.debug(f.get + " rows affected")

Updating with prepared statement

val f = for {
	prep <- client.prepare("update users set name=$1, email=$2 where email='[email protected]'")
	res <- prep.exec("Mr. Michael Mouse", "[email protected]")
} yield res.affectedRows

logger.debug(f.get + " rows affected")

Change Log


  • Prepared statements support
  • Async responses logging
  • Exceptions handling
  • Create table/Drop table support


  • Clear text authentication support
  • Md5 authentication support
  • Select, update, insert and delete queries