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An asynchronous programming library for the ESP32 and other microcontrollers using the Arduino framework.

Results 6 ReactESP issues
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Hello, is there a chance to get it working with 'the old' ESP8266 again? As many (commercial) devices still come with an ESP8266 or ESP8285 SensESP 2.0 (ReactESP) would be...

Current ReactESP implementation uses a somewhat special syntax, with the constructor expecting a lambda function or a function pointer that is called to setup the program: ``` ReactESP app([]() {...


ESP32 has two cores and ReactESP would be a good framework for launching tasks on the second core. The interface requires some thought, though.

ESPs have OS timers defined using the `os_timer_*` functions. These have callbacks that behave like interrupts and can be triggered also while synchronous long-running functions (looking at you, WifiManager!) are...

It appears that the LED should come on only if there is input to the serial monitor, then stay on for 1 second, then go off. When I upload and...

To get Minimal to compile, I had to uncomment ReactESP in the lib_deps section of platformio.ini: ``` lib_deps = ReactESP ``` To get Torture to compile, I had to add...